Entries tagged - "emacs"

  1. Org and Jupyter 2022-05-18
  2. On choosing your colorscheme 2022-04-19
  3. On creating Org documents using shell scripts 2020-12-28
  4. One Week With Ubuntu 2020-12-20
  5. Org custom CSS 2020-09-18
  6. Minimalist Emacs 2020-09-16
  7. Monochrome color scheme 2020-09-04
  8. Emacs Org and Tufte handout 2020-08-08
  9. Running Emacs in a terminal 2020-08-06
  10. Recently 2020-07-23
  11. Editor war 2020-07-09
  12. Code & Co. 2020-06-24
  13. Emacs for the 21st Century 2020-06-04
  14. On text linting 2020-05-29
  15. Discord on Emacs 2020-05-27
  16. R 4.0 2020-05-19
  17. Handy command-line utilities 2020-05-15
  18. Wolfram Engine and Jupyter 2020-04-24
  19. Stata, Emacs and Jupyter 2020-03-31
  20. Org exports 2020-02-23
  21. Prettify your Emacs (bis) 2019-09-18
  22. Prettify your Emacs 2019-09-11
  23. Emacs, 15 years later 2019-05-13
  24. VS Code and Python 2019-04-08
  25. Emacs and Python 3 2019-01-15
  26. Org-mode and blogging 2018-10-27
  27. On standardizing the use of Reminder App and Org mode 2018-10-21
  28. New tutorials 2018-06-20
  29. Spacemacs June 2018 2018-06-12
  30. Setting Up Mu4e 1.0 C 2018-06-01
  31. Org and Bibtex 2018-05-13
  32. Doom Emacs 2018-04-11
  33. Spacemacs and Hugo made easy 2018-03-06
  34. A text-based workflow for taking note 2018-02-18
  35. lost+found 2016 2017-12-21
  36. Why I am still using Emacs 2015-08-15
  37. Fixing some critical keyboard shortcuts in OS X terminal 2014-08-13
  38. Emacs Org-mode and literate programming 2014-08-06
  39. A modular configuration for Emacs 2014-08-04
  40. Common Lisp on Mavericks 2014-08-04
  41. Scheme and Emacs 2014-04-18
  42. Using mu to manage e-mails (followup) 2013-06-14
  43. Emacs auto-completion for Python 2013-02-11
  44. GNU Emacs on OS X 10.7 2012-06-16
  45. Color schemes for Emacs and TeX 2011-08-25
  46. Getting started with Slime 2011-01-30
  47. Emacs versus Textmate 2010-05-25