Entries tagged - "2022"

  1. Micro posting in December 2022-12-30
  2. Computing eigenvalues using QR decomposition 2022-12-28
  3. December in review 2022-12-19
  4. Recently 2022-12-08
  5. Micro posting in November 2022-11-29
  6. What not to compute 2022-10-30
  7. Micro posting in October 2022-10-29
  8. The unquantified self #26 2022-10-26
  9. ArXiving on October 2022 2022-10-25
  10. Zero-plugin linting and fixing in Neovim 2022-10-10
  11. One year scrobbling 2022-10-07
  12. Alacritty 2022-10-06
  13. Speeding up Neovim 2022-10-05
  14. Micro posting in September 2022-10-01
  15. Unified colors of TUIs 2022-09-28
  16. Currying and repeated calls of a function 2022-09-19
  17. Bootstrap resampling using Scheme 2022-09-18
  18. Vim Vixen 2022-09-17
  19. ArXiving on August 2022 2022-09-16
  20. Debugging in Vim 2022-09-15
  21. Quick Bash script templates 2022-09-12
  22. Haskell and Vim 2022-09-11
  23. Algorithms for functional programming 2022-09-08
  24. The unquantified self #25 2022-09-04
  25. Summing random Uniform deviates 2022-09-03
  26. On wrapping and reflowing text 2022-09-01
  27. Micro posting in August 2022-08-31
  28. How to get by without using a tiling WM 2022-08-30
  29. Named let in Scheme 2022-08-28
  30. Usenet newsgroups with Neomutt 2022-08-27
  31. More Neomutt little hacks 2022-08-26
  32. Common Lisp loop 2022-08-25
  33. Manipulating images using Numpy 2022-08-23
  34. Migrating to Systemd 2022-08-22
  35. Simply Scheme 2022-08-21
  36. Nyxt V3 2022-08-20
  37. Low level psychology of goldfish 2022-08-19
  38. Split-apply-combine in Scheme 2022-08-18
  39. Zathura viewer 2022-08-17
  40. Starship 2022-08-16
  41. Of signals and trap 2022-08-15
  42. GHCup and Haskell tooling in 2022 2022-08-13
  43. Recently on the commonplace book 2022-08-11
  44. Life in a few words 2022-08-09
  45. July in review 2022-08-02
  46. More Tmux little hacks 2022-07-29
  47. Micro posting in July 2022-07-29
  48. Scheming with Vim 2022-07-27
  49. Welch t-test in Scheme 2022-07-27
  50. NewLISP and memoization 2022-07-26
  51. ArXiving on July 2022 2022-07-24
  52. Back to Matrix 2022-07-23
  53. Logistic fit in Mathematica 2022-07-19
  54. The unquantified self #24 2022-07-17
  55. Sequences in Lisp 2022-07-16
  56. Saint-Malo 2022-07-15
  57. Palindromic numbers in Mathematica 2022-07-07
  58. On consulting 2022-06-30
  59. Micro posting in June 2022-06-28
  60. June in review 2022-06-25
  61. Org and Beamer 2022-06-23
  62. 20 years with R: A retrospective 2022-06-14
  63. Du paradoxe des anniversaires 2022-06-12
  64. Rhythmbox 2022-06-11
  65. Computing the inverse CDF of a Gaussian 2022-06-08
  66. Ubuntu 22.04 2022-06-06
  67. Kopia backup 2022-06-05
  68. The unquantified self #23 2022-05-28
  69. Micro posting in May 2022-05-27
  70. Random sampling by the inverse CDF transformation 2022-05-26
  71. Wolfram Language Server 2022-05-24
  72. Org and Jupyter 2022-05-18
  73. Common Lisp Hyperspec in Vim 2022-05-17
  74. Neovim colorscheme switching and Tmux 2022-05-13
  75. Micro posting in April 2022-04-27
  76. Helix editor 2022-04-23
  77. Random links from April 2022-04-20
  78. On choosing your colorscheme 2022-04-19
  79. The unquantified self #22 2022-04-17
  80. Tinkering my Neovim setup 2022-04-14
  81. Micro posting in March 2022-03-28
  82. Some handy shortcuts for Vim 2022-03-23
  83. Auto-tagging my music library 2022-03-12
  84. Vim and clangd 2022-03-08
  85. Micro posting in February 2022-02-26
  86. ArXiving on January 2022 2022-02-25
  87. Jupyter kernels in Neovim 2022-02-22
  88. The unquantified self #21 2022-02-20
  89. Multi-blast and parallel processing 2022-02-10
  90. No more VS Code 2022-02-03
  91. Regolith Desktop 2022-02-02
  92. Texing in Vim 2022-01-26
  93. 15 years and 600 posts 2022-01-25
  94. Micro posting in January 2022-01-25
  95. Tips and tricks for Neomutt 2022-01-19
  96. Un problème de rencontres 2022-01-14
  97. Pandoc templates are great 2022-01-10
  98. Generating partitions 2022-01-09
  99. Org in Vim 2022-01-06