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2023-10-24 13:44 #

If you are using vimtex and are interested in using Evince for forward/reverse synchronization, be sure to check sved which at least provides reverse sync in Neovim. Otherwise, Zathura works as expected. #vim

2023-10-24 09:12 #

Ergonomic mappings for code formatting in Vim: Very nice tutorial on code formatting and how to write VimL functions that exploit gq. #vim

2023-10-23 15:43 #
2023-10-23 15:29 #

But let’s just put it this way (and here I’m being charitable): in all my years of using Word, this happened more than once. In all the time I’ve used text editors, it’s never happened, even once. — Why (and How) I Wrote My Academic Book in Plain Text

2023-10-23 15:28 #

The most important thing to learn correctly about Vim is to understand that you talk to Vim when you edit text. Vim has a grammar. The next important thing is to learn how to use Vim macros. Vim - I hate to love you

2023-10-23 15:18 #

But just think back. In the past say ten years, what changes and innovations have had a real and true life changing impact on you? I am sure you can think of something, but I am also pretty sure that nothing has happened on a monthly or weekly basis that was so important that you absolutely had to know about it at that very moment. — Do you feel overwhelmed trying to stay up to date with the latest tech news?

2023-10-23 11:40 #

No more plugin manager, yet a fast startup time. #vim


2023-10-19 19:35 #

♪ Foo Fighters · Shame Shame

2023-10-19 09:10 #


2023-10-19 09:08 #

Vim is great for cleaning a text file using search and replace, but sometimes Unix tools are even better: if you want to remove consecutive blank lines, just call cat -s on your text file.