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2024-03-25 08:51 #

♪ Flock of Dimes · Given/Electric Life

2024-03-18 10:04 #

Writing Python like it’s Rust. Or how to make use of Python types in a meaningful way.

2024-01-25 09:15 #

♪ Passenger · Summer Rain

2024-01-24 12:07 #

TIL about Faircamp which looks amazing.

2024-01-24 11:28 #

I recently switch from MC 1.19.4 with Forge and Optifine to MC 1.20.4 with Iris and Sodium. Now I got a lot more mods available with less frictions overall. And it looks like we can now play MC on a laptop with texture packs and shaders all time long.

It’s probably time to stop building on 1.19.4 I guess, and just start a new survival journey.


2024-01-24 09:01 #

This difficulty is often not due to math - because of the aforementioned frameworks machine learning implementations do not require intense mathematics. An aspect of this difficulty involves building an intuition for what tool should be leveraged to solve a problem. This requires being aware of available algorithms and models and the trade-offs and constraints of each one. — Why is machine learning ‘hard’?

2024-01-22 21:07 #

♪ Kendra Morris · Dry

2024-01-16 21:17 #

Lots of tips and tricks for Mathematica aficionados.

2024-01-16 21:15 #

When optimising code, never guess, always measure. — When Optimising Code Measure