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Related to the previous micro-post, see Proper Python Project Structure 2024 by the same author, which argues against the use of requirements.txt in favor of Poetry. I used Poetry for a work project but I’m now betting on uv. See also Uv has a killer feature you should know about. #python
How to C in 2016. See also some rejoinder like Some notes C in 2016 and A critique of “How to C in 2016”. #clang
I migrated a bunch of stuff to keep Neomutt and Apple Mail in sync, and I still use mu to manage complex search in my maildir. Here are the results of the last mu index
which accounts for the integration of listservers and digests directly into proper iCloud folders, in no more than 5s:
» mu index
indexing maildir /Users/chl/.mail -> store /Users/chl/.cache/mu/xapian
| indexing messages; checked: 14443; updated/new: 3103; cleaned-up: 4144
/me is listening to “Other Side of Love” by Sixth June
I can’t use Emacs, so it’s got to be usable in Vim. — Why I Chose Common Lisp
I’ve been listening to some music on Apple Music app for one and half a hour and the battery still tops at its max. It’s incredible the level of micro-optimization that must be behind all this. Likewise, I can work unplugged for all day long, I will have a fair amount of time left for the day after. #apple
After today’s quick testing, it looks like Wolfram Jupyter kernel is working as expected under Quarto (see this blog post for a previous attempt with Stata). The Racket kernel works as well (minor caveat, you’ll probably have to symlink your Homebrewed libzmq).
Neomutt tip: To escape space in folder name (e.g., iCloud Sent or Deleted Messages), you can use either \
when defining your inboxes in your muttrc or ^V
for your bindings. E.g.:
mailboxes =icloud/Drafts =icloud/Sent\ Messages =icloud/Deleted\ Messages =icloud/Archive
macro index,pager gs "<change-folder>+icloud/Sent^V Messages<return>" "go to sent messages"
I switched my default mail provider to iCloud, instead of this domain name. Back in time, I guess. This way I can manage my emails using Neomutt or Apple Mail (via IMAP), depending on my mood, and everything keeps sync’ed. I needed to convert my archives folder from Maildir to Mbox but Neomutt failed me when I used the following command:
neomutt -f ~/.mail/archives -e 'set mbox_type=mbox; set confirmcreate=no; set delete=no; push "T.*<enter>;s/Users/chl/tmp/archives.mbox<enter><quit>"'
I believe this doesn’t handle multiple aliases for sender correctly. However, this Python module worked like a charm and I was able to get 10k messages with correct threading in no time at all.
/me is listening to “Flesh Dance” by Gothic Tropic