A lot of Euler problems amount to find the sum of digits in a given numbers. The digit sum is easy to compute using Lisp or Scheme, provided you convert the number at hand into a list or as a string, then as ascii-decoded character: (char->integer #\1)
returns 49 in Racket so it is quite easy to write a little helper function to convert any character into its corresponding integer value.
However, if you prefer to keep working with numbers, here is a little function that will convert any number into a list of digits. It is then a matter of applying foldr
or apply
to this list to compute any quantity of interest, e.g., the sum of all digits:
(define (digits n)
(if (zero? n)
(cons (remainder n 10) (digits (quotient n 10)))))
A more general formula to compute the digit sum of $x$ in base $b=10$ is:
$$ \sum_{n=0}^{\lfloor\log_{10}x\rfloor}\frac{1}{10^n}(x, \textrm{mod}, 10^{n+1}-x, \textrm{mod}, 10^n). $$
This is widely used in checksum algorithms, for instance the Luhn number checksum, also called the mod-10 algorithm. Here it is in Scheme:
(define (mod-10 x n)
(- (modulo x (expt 10 (add1 n))) (modulo x (expt 10 n))))
(define (digit-sum x)
(for/list ([i (in-range (ceiling (log x 10)))])
(* (/ 1 10) (mod-10 x i))))
A related idea can be found in the CRC error checking algorithm. There are various Lisp implementation of the CRC algorithm, here and there.