One of Rosalind problems deals with finding the “majority element” of a vector, which is defined as the value that appears in more than half of the entries. Note that this is a little different from what we usually call the mode in statistics. This is a pretty simple task to run using, e.g., Python or R.
Here is a solution in Python:
from collections import Counter
def maj(lst):
>>> items = [8, 7, 7, 7, 1, 7, 3, 7]
>>> print(maj(items))
c = Counter(lst)
val, cnt = c.most_common()[0]
if cnt > len(lst)/2:
return int(val)
return -1
We could probably use numpy and/or scipy as well, but let’s keep it simple. I really like the Counter
idiom in Python, which allows to keep a record of the item index that is being processed much like enumerate
does. I missed this in Racket. It is quite easy to tabulate a list of values using a for/list
pattern, as the following code illustrates:
(define (counter x lst)
(if (null? lst) 0
(if (= x (car lst))
(+ 1 (counter x (cdr lst)))
(counter x (cdr lst)))))
(define items (list 8 7 7 7 1 7 3 7))
(apply max (for/list ([i (remove-duplicates items)]) (counter i items)))
If we want to return both the item value and the associated counts, there are two options (and probably more): either we rely on a hash table, or we return a list (or a pair) of values and counts, like Python’s enumerate
; this could be something like replacing (counter i items)
with (list i (counter i items))
, but we will need to update the function used when calling apply
because max
will not accept a tuple of values.
Here is a little example of using a hash instead of plain lists:
;; Credit:
;; See also math/statistics::samples->hash
(define (bagify xs)
(for/fold ((ht #hash()))
((key (in-list xs)))
(hash-update ht key add1 0)))
(define (which-max ht)
(car (argmax cdr (hash->list ht))))
(define table (bagify items))
(which-max table)
This also (sort of) solves the problem of the joint use of apply
and max
described above:
(argmax cadr (for/list ([i (remove-duplicates items)]) (list i (counter i items))))
The same approach could obviously serve the purpose of finding the mode in a list of values, e.g.:
(define (mode xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) '()]
[else (car (argmax cdr
(hash->list (bagify xs))))]))
Note that the above procedure will not handle the case of multiple modes.
Finally, what about enumerate
like idiom in Racket? Here’s one solution:
(define zip (lambda (x y) (map list x y)))
(define (enumerate xs)
(zip (range (length xs)) xs))