Here is the monthly review on aliquote. Times are changing fast these days, let’s keep busy and focused inasmuch as we can.1
Last week I came across a nice blog, available in French and English: Literal translations. There are interesting discussion on Rust or dynamic vs. static languages.
How to blog with Emacs Org mode: Hugo has become a reliable medium for building static blog during the past few years. I tried to use an Org backend at some point, but finally I keep editing plain Markdown files, in Emacs of course. Typora was really nice, but not as powerful as Emacs in the long run. Anyway, this blog post explains everything you need to setup a blog using org-publish.
If you are a Python user interested in functional programming, go check the fnc project (not to be confised with this FNC) and see if it is worth a try. I’m still into Python’s own functools but maybe it is an interesting option.
Not really much about haskell itself, but Taylor Fausak’s take on how to design a library that checks whether two intervals overlap or not was a nice read. There are indeed 13 different ways that two intervals can relate to each other.
Did you notice that Julia’s website has been redesigned. I just learned that it is now driven by Franklin, a new static website generator. Interestingly, it integrates the Literate package, which is a simplistic package for Literate Programming where lines starting with # are treated as markdown, while all other lines are treated as julia code (much like good old Docco, Rocco & Co.).
Robert Smith just released a new Lisp package, Hypergeometrica, to compute Pi digits.
Hypergeometrica aims to democratize the calculation of pi to trillions of digits. As of March 2020, the software used to break world-record computations has remained closed source. This has been a 20+ year trend, and includes famous software such as y-cruncher, TachusPI, PiFast, and SuperPi.
John Baez has some nice pages on Random Permutations. As $n\to\infty$, the probability that a random permutation of an $n$-element set has $k$ fixed points approaches $\frac{1}{ek!}$. In the same limiting case, the average length of the longest cycle in a random permutation is $\lambda n$, where $\lambda\approx 0.624$.
Tom MacWright wrote a small Elm interactive dashboard for cocktail lovers. Lovely.
Don’t expect any news from COVID-19 here. ↩︎