Last year I briefly mentioned Zathura as my default PDF viewer. Since my last upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, I reverted back to Gnome default settings for most things. I still have Zathura defined as my PDF viewer for BibTeX entries1 and TeX documents, and I customized it a lot since then. I just reenabled it as my default PDF/PS viewer for a couple of reasons:
Here are my personal settings in $HOME/.config/zathura/zathurarc
set default-bg "#2E3440"
set default-fg "#D8DEE9"
set statusbar-fg "#D8DEE9"
set statusbar-bg "#2E3440"
set index-bg "#2E3440"
set index-fg "#D8DEE9"
set index-active-bg "#81A1C1"
set index-active-fg "#D8DEE9"
set inputbar-bg "#2E3440"
set inputbar-fg "#D8DEE9"
set notification-warning-bg "#EBCB8B"
set notification-warning-fg "#2E3440"
set highlight-color "#81A1C1"
set highlight-active-color "#81A1C1"
set completion-highlight-fg "#BF616A"
set completion-highlight-bg "#2E3440"
set completion-bg "#2E3440"
set completion-fg "#D8DEE9"
set notification-bg "#D8DEE9"
set notification-fg "#2E3440"
set recolor-darkcolor "#D8DEE9"
set recolor-lightcolor "#2E3440"
set recolor "true"
set incremental-search "true"
set adjust-open "best-fit"
set window-title-home-tilde "true"
set selection-clipboard "clipboard"
set statusbar-basename "true"
set statusbar-home-tilde "true"
set statusbar-h-padding "5"
set statusbar-v-padding "5"
set window-height 3000
set window-width 3000
set save_position "true"
set synctex-editor-command "nvim"
set font "Ubuntu Mono 13"
map <C-b> feedkeys ":bmark "
map D set "first-page-column 1:1"
map <C-d> set "first-page-column 1:2"
The color scheme follows the Nord dark theme, and it is on by default. If I want a light background as in Evince, I can C-r
to disable recoloring. The window height and width are defined such that Zathura looks maximized on my screen. I think the remaining options speak for themselves.
♪ Jewel • Hands
I wrote a helper function in Vimscript that can xdg-open
the PDF or Postscript or DJVU file associated to a BIbTeX entry, which I can trigger using gf
function! text#open_bibtex_key() abort
let s:uri = split(split(expand('<cWORD>'), '{')[1], ',')[0]
if s:uri !=# ''
silent exec "!xdg-open ~/Documents/papers/'".s:uri."'.* &"
echo 'No match found.'