Here is a basic setup to illustrate linear regression. Let's generate some data like \(y = 1.1+0.8x+\varepsilon\), where \(\varepsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(0;1)\):
n <- 40
x <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 10)
y <- 1.1 + 0.8 * x + rnorm(n)
and a basic scatter display of the artificial dataset
xyplot(y ~ x, type = c("p", "g", "r"))
Here is model output from lm
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.109 -0.816 -0.064 0.739 3.581
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 1.455 0.389 3.74 6e-04 ***
## x 0.748 0.066 11.33 9.6e-14 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.2 on 38 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.771, Adjusted R-squared: 0.765
## F-statistic: 128 on 1 and 38 DF, p-value: 9.6e-14
Of course, we can do many other fancy things, but see knitr Chunk options and package options.
For example, if you have the Hmisc
package (you should really have it), you can try the following:
f <- function(x, digits = 1) c(mean = round(colMeans(x), digits = digits), range = paste(apply(x,
2, range), collapse = "-"))
summary(low ~ ., data = birthwt, method = "reverse", overall = TRUE)
## Descriptive Statistics by low
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | |No |Yes |Combined |
## | |(N=130) |(N=59) |(N=189) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |age | 19.0/23.0/28.0 | 19.5/22.0/25.0 | 19.0/23.0/26.0 |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |lwt |113.0/123.5/147.0|104.0/120.0/130.0|110.0/121.0/140.0|
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |race : White| 56% (73) | 39% (23) | 51% (96) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | Black | 12% (15) | 19% (11) | 14% (26) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | Other | 32% (42) | 42% (25) | 35% (67) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |smoke : Yes | 34% ( 44) | 51% ( 30) | 39% ( 74) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |ptl : 0 | 91% (118) | 69% ( 41) | 84% (159) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 1 | 6% ( 8) | 27% ( 16) | 13% ( 24) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 2 | 2% ( 3) | 3% ( 2) | 3% ( 5) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 3 | 1% ( 1) | 0% ( 0) | 1% ( 1) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |ht : Yes | 4% ( 5) | 12% ( 7) | 6% ( 12) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |ui : Yes | 11% ( 14) | 24% ( 14) | 15% ( 28) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |ftv : 0 | 49% ( 64) | 61% ( 36) | 53% (100) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 1 | 28% ( 36) | 19% ( 11) | 25% ( 47) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 2 | 18% ( 23) | 12% ( 7) | 16% ( 30) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 3 | 2% ( 3) | 7% ( 4) | 4% ( 7) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 4 | 2% ( 3) | 2% ( 1) | 2% ( 4) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## | 6 | 1% ( 1) | 0% ( 0) | 1% ( 1) |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
## |bwt | 2948/3267/3651 | 1928/2211/2396 | 2414/2977/3487 |
## +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
summary(bwt ~ ., data = birthwt, fun = f)
## bwt N=189
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## | | |N |mean.bwt|range |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |low |No |130|3329.1 |2523-4990|
## | |Yes |59 |2097.3 |709-2495 |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |age |[14,20) |51 |2973.5 |1885-4238|
## | |[20,24) |56 |2919.6 |1588-4111|
## | |[24,27) |36 |2828.4 |1330-4593|
## | |[27,45] |46 |3033.8 |709-4990 |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |lwt |[ 80,112)|53 |2656.3 |1330-3997|
## | |[112,122)|43 |3058.7 |709-4593 |
## | |[122,141)|46 |3074.6 |1021-4990|
## | |[141,250]|47 |3038 |1135-4174|
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |race |White |96 |3102.7 |1021-4990|
## | |Black |26 |2719.7 |1135-3860|
## | |Other |67 |2805.3 |709-4054 |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |smoke |No |115|3055.7 |1021-4990|
## | |Yes |74 |2771.9 |709-4238 |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |ptl |0 |159|3013.5 |1021-4990|
## | |1 |24 |2496.3 |709-4174 |
## | |2 |5 |2766.8 |1885-3317|
## | |3 |1 |3637 |3637-3637|
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |ht |No |177|2972.2 |709-4990 |
## | |Yes |12 |2536.8 |1135-3790|
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |ui |No |161|3030.7 |1135-4990|
## | |Yes |28 |2449.4 |709-3912 |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |ftv |0 |100|2865.1 |709-4238 |
## | |1 |47 |3108 |1588-4990|
## | |2 |30 |3010.3 |1021-4167|
## | |3 |7 |2521.9 |2126-2835|
## | |4 |4 |3167.8 |2301-3860|
## | |6 |1 |3303 |3303-3303|
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
## |Overall| |189|2944.6 |709-4990 |
## +-------+---------+---+--------+---------+
summary(low ~ smoke + ht + ui, data = birthwt, fun = table)
## low N=189
## +-------+---+---+---+---+
## | | |N |No |Yes|
## +-------+---+---+---+---+
## |smoke |No |115| 86|29 |
## | |Yes| 74| 44|30 |
## +-------+---+---+---+---+
## |ht |No |177|125|52 |
## | |Yes| 12| 5| 7 |
## +-------+---+---+---+---+
## |ui |No |161|116|45 |
## | |Yes| 28| 14|14 |
## +-------+---+---+---+---+
## |Overall| |189|130|59 |
## +-------+---+---+---+---+
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will read Wickham (2011).
Wickham, H. 2011. “The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis.” Journal of Statistical Software 40.