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  1. Micro posting in November 2024-12-02
  2. Back to Beets 2024-11-10
  3. Micro posting in October 2024-11-01
  4. mpd and ncmpcpp 2024-10-22
  5. Micro posting in September 2024-09-30
  6. TUIs best of 2024-09-01
  7. Micro positing in August 2024-08-31
  8. August in review 2024-08-21
  9. Plain tex'ing again 2024-08-18
  10. Ubuntu 24.04: The sequel 2024-08-16
  11. Ubuntu 24.04 2024-08-15
  12. The unquantified self #32 2024-08-06
  13. Micro posting in July 2024-07-31
  14. Writing plain TeX using vimtex 2024-07-24
  15. Develop good habits from the start 2024-07-10
  16. Stata and Quarto 2024-07-09
  17. Neovim 0.10 2024-07-03
  18. Micro posting in June 2024-06-30
  19. ArXiving on February 2024 2024-06-27
  20. Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test 2024-06-21
  21. Scheming in Vim (con't) 2024-06-17
  22. Scheme, language server & Co. 2024-06-03
  23. Micro posting in April 2024-04-30
  24. Micro posting in March 2024-04-04
  25. Micro posting in January 2024-01-30
  26. Managing Scheme libraries 2024-01-18
  27. Book review: Mathematica (2) 2024-01-14
  28. How many permutations 2024-01-11
  29. Probabilistic approximations of Pi 2024-01-10
  30. Algorithms for statistical computing 2024-01-08
  31. Micro posting in December 2023-12-30
  32. Permutation test in Lisp 2023-12-22
  33. Using R from Mathematica 2023-12-21
  34. The unquantified self #31 2023-12-18
  35. Stata: A retrospective 2023-12-05
  36. ArXiving on November 2023 2023-11-30
  37. Micro posting in November 2023-11-29
  38. How I manage my startup shell scripts 2023-11-28
  39. Revisiting Random Forests 2023-11-22
  40. A quick glance at the distribution of Pi digits 2023-11-20
  41. Computing Pi again 2023-11-15
  42. Trying out cl-lsp 2023-11-08
  43. The unquantified self #30 2023-11-02
  44. Micro posting in October 2023-10-30
  45. Neovim and LSP made easy 2023-10-27
  46. A minimalistic Lua-based Neovim config 2023-10-23
  47. More useful Vim tips 2023-10-18
  48. On the use of triplicate in biology 2023-10-16
  49. ArXiving on October 2023 2023-10-13
  50. Neovim revamp 2023-10-12
  51. Rule of three and the Chebyshev inequality 2023-10-02
  52. Micro posting in September 2023-09-28
  53. Null zone vs. error bars 2023-09-27
  54. Confidence intervals and coverage 2023-09-26
  55. Foot terminal for Wayland 2023-09-25
  56. Some interesting R packages 2023-09-19
  57. Helix looks great indeed 2023-09-18
  58. JASP for Bayesian statistics 2023-09-15
  59. ArXiving on September 2023 2023-09-06
  60. Why I like Ubuntu, eventually 2023-09-04
  61. Micro posting in August 2023-08-31
  62. Bayesian power analysis and confidence intervals 2023-08-30
  63. August in review (2) 2023-08-21
  64. August in review 2023-08-21
  65. The unquantified self #29 2023-08-10
  66. Micro posting in July 2023-07-30
  67. Regression and DFBETAS 2023-07-11
  68. Data frames for Racket 2023-07-10
  69. Micro posting in June 2023-07-01
  70. Micro posting in May 2023-05-30
  71. G4Music 2023-05-27
  72. April in review 2023-05-09
  73. Micro posting in April 2023-04-27
  74. Book review: Mathematica 2023-04-24
  75. Using fzf-lua 2023-04-23
  76. Parsing CSV files in Racket 2023-04-21
  77. ArXiving on January 2023 2023-04-19
  78. The unquantified self #28 2023-04-17
  79. Solving OLS problem using SVD 2023-04-07
  80. Micro posting in March 2023-03-29
  81. Welford algorithm in Newlisp 2023-03-20
  82. Fitting an OLS model in Newlisp 2023-03-18
  83. Plotting with Newlisp 2023-03-16
  84. Wilcoxon test in Lisp 2023-03-14
  85. Generating variable names in Lispstat 2023-03-02
  86. Mono color scheme for tty 2023-03-01
  87. Micro posting in February 2023-02-28
  88. February in review 2023-02-27
  89. The unquantified self #27 2023-02-23
  90. Bootstrap t-test 2023-02-22
  91. Python for quick statistical computing 2023-02-21
  92. Using managed functions in sqlite 2023-02-19
  93. Processing large data: Duckdb vs. datatable 2023-02-17
  94. On the sweep operator in regression settings 2023-02-16
  95. Statistical charts using Mathematica 2023-02-15
  96. Dealing with categorical variables in Mathematica 2023-02-14
  97. Stata plot of the week #4 2023-02-10
  98. Biostatistical methods 2023-02-06
  99. Regression diagnostics and influence measures 2023-02-02
  100. Data tables in Python 2023-01-31
  101. A grammar of graphics for Python 2023-01-30
  102. Successful Lisp 2023-01-27
  103. Micro posting in January 2023-01-26
  104. Hash collision 2023-01-25
  105. January in review 2023-01-21
  106. Mathematica for statistics 2023-01-18
  107. Recently 2023-01-17
  108. Micro posting in December 2022-12-30
  109. Computing eigenvalues using QR decomposition 2022-12-28
  110. December in review 2022-12-19
  111. Recently 2022-12-08
  112. Micro posting in November 2022-11-29
  113. What not to compute 2022-10-30
  114. Micro posting in October 2022-10-29
  115. The unquantified self #26 2022-10-26
  116. ArXiving on October 2022 2022-10-25
  117. Zero-plugin linting and fixing in Neovim 2022-10-10
  118. One year scrobbling 2022-10-07
  119. Alacritty 2022-10-06
  120. Speeding up Neovim 2022-10-05
  121. Micro posting in September 2022-10-01
  122. Unified colors of TUIs 2022-09-28
  123. Currying and repeated calls of a function 2022-09-19
  124. Bootstrap resampling using Scheme 2022-09-18
  125. Vim Vixen 2022-09-17
  126. ArXiving on August 2022 2022-09-16
  127. Debugging in Vim 2022-09-15
  128. Quick Bash script templates 2022-09-12
  129. Haskell and Vim 2022-09-11
  130. Algorithms for functional programming 2022-09-08
  131. The unquantified self #25 2022-09-04
  132. Summing random Uniform deviates 2022-09-03
  133. On wrapping and reflowing text 2022-09-01
  134. Micro posting in August 2022-08-31
  135. How to get by without using a tiling WM 2022-08-30
  136. Named let in Scheme 2022-08-28
  137. Usenet newsgroups with Neomutt 2022-08-27
  138. More Neomutt little hacks 2022-08-26
  139. Common Lisp loop 2022-08-25
  140. Manipulating images using Numpy 2022-08-23
  141. Migrating to Systemd 2022-08-22
  142. Simply Scheme 2022-08-21
  143. Nyxt V3 2022-08-20
  144. Low level psychology of goldfish 2022-08-19
  145. Split-apply-combine in Scheme 2022-08-18
  146. Zathura viewer 2022-08-17
  147. Starship 2022-08-16
  148. Of signals and trap 2022-08-15
  149. GHCup and Haskell tooling in 2022 2022-08-13
  150. Recently on the commonplace book 2022-08-11
  151. Life in a few words 2022-08-09
  152. July in review 2022-08-02
  153. More Tmux little hacks 2022-07-29
  154. Micro posting in July 2022-07-29
  155. Scheming with Vim 2022-07-27
  156. Welch t-test in Scheme 2022-07-27
  157. NewLISP and memoization 2022-07-26
  158. ArXiving on July 2022 2022-07-24
  159. Back to Matrix 2022-07-23
  160. Logistic fit in Mathematica 2022-07-19
  161. The unquantified self #24 2022-07-17
  162. Sequences in Lisp 2022-07-16
  163. Saint-Malo 2022-07-15
  164. Palindromic numbers in Mathematica 2022-07-07
  165. On consulting 2022-06-30
  166. Micro posting in June 2022-06-28
  167. June in review 2022-06-25
  168. Org and Beamer 2022-06-23
  169. 20 years with R: A retrospective 2022-06-14
  170. Du paradoxe des anniversaires 2022-06-12
  171. Rhythmbox 2022-06-11
  172. Computing the inverse CDF of a Gaussian 2022-06-08
  173. Ubuntu 22.04 2022-06-06
  174. Kopia backup 2022-06-05
  175. The unquantified self #23 2022-05-28
  176. Micro posting in May 2022-05-27
  177. Random sampling by the inverse CDF transformation 2022-05-26
  178. Wolfram Language Server 2022-05-24
  179. Org and Jupyter 2022-05-18
  180. Common Lisp Hyperspec in Vim 2022-05-17
  181. Neovim colorscheme switching and Tmux 2022-05-13
  182. Micro posting in April 2022-04-27
  183. Helix editor 2022-04-23
  184. Random links from April 2022-04-20
  185. On choosing your colorscheme 2022-04-19
  186. The unquantified self #22 2022-04-17
  187. Tinkering my Neovim setup 2022-04-14
  188. Micro posting in March 2022-03-28
  189. Some handy shortcuts for Vim 2022-03-23
  190. Auto-tagging my music library 2022-03-12
  191. Vim and clangd 2022-03-08
  192. Micro posting in February 2022-02-26
  193. ArXiving on January 2022 2022-02-25
  194. Jupyter kernels in Neovim 2022-02-22
  195. The unquantified self #21 2022-02-20
  196. Multi-blast and parallel processing 2022-02-10
  197. No more VS Code 2022-02-03
  198. Regolith Desktop 2022-02-02
  199. Texing in Vim 2022-01-26
  200. 15 years and 600 posts 2022-01-25
  201. Micro posting in January 2022-01-25
  202. Tips and tricks for Neomutt 2022-01-19
  203. Un problème de rencontres 2022-01-14
  204. Pandoc templates are great 2022-01-10
  205. Generating partitions 2022-01-09
  206. Org in Vim 2022-01-06
  207. Let's close the year 2021-12-31
  208. Generating power sets in Lisp 2021-12-29
  209. Mon maître et mon vainqueur 2021-12-28
  210. lost+found 2021 2021-12-27
  211. Micro posting in December 2021-12-26
  212. The unquantified self #20 2021-12-25
  213. Micro posting in November 2021-11-26
  214. The unquantified self #19 2021-11-22
  215. Student's t distribution 2021-11-19
  216. Prime palindromes 2021-11-16
  217. QR factorization and linear regression 2021-11-03
  218. Bootstrap resampling in Lisp 2021-10-29
  219. Micro posting in October 2021-10-28
  220. Alpha shape 2021-10-28
  221. ArXiving on October 2021 2021-10-23
  222. The unquantified self #18 2021-10-20
  223. My current music setup 2021-10-20
  224. Desktop setup 2021-10-06
  225. Micro posting in September 2021-09-27
  226. Random links from September 2021-09-22
  227. Neovim wrap up (6/n) 2021-09-21
  228. Cmus 2021-09-17
  229. Nyxt browser and other handy TUI apps 2021-09-10
  230. Now using i3wm as a window manager 2021-09-08
  231. Aparté culinaire 2021-09-03
  232. Micro posting in August 2021-08-30
  233. Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro 2021-08-22
  234. The unquantified self #17 2021-08-19
  235. Random links from August 2021-08-19
  236. ArXiving on August 2021 2021-08-07
  237. My Tmux in 2021 2021-08-05
  238. Recently 2021-08-02
  239. Vim on steroid (5/n) 2021-07-30
  240. Neovim useful plugins (4/n) 2021-07-29
  241. Micro posting in July 2021-07-28
  242. Neovim and LSP (3/n) 2021-07-27
  243. Custom Vim shortcuts (2/n) 2021-07-25
  244. Let's go modern with Neovim (1/n) 2021-07-22
  245. ArXiving on June 2021 2021-07-08
  246. Micro posting in June 2021-06-24
  247. Three years micro-blogging 2021-06-20
  248. Some handy Git aliases 2021-06-18
  249. June in review 2021-06-17
  250. Neomutt 2021-06-12
  251. Recently 2021-06-10
  252. May in review 2021-05-30
  253. Micro posting in May 2021-05-27
  254. Timeshift for system backup 2021-05-21
  255. Neovim and Lua 2021-05-19
  256. Python and single-page application 2021-05-11
  257. Reading list on Lisp & Co. 2021-05-10
  258. Vim and LSP 2021-05-09
  259. Random musings with VS Code 2021-05-07
  260. Hex color dimming 2021-05-02
  261. Reflecting on my RSS habits 2021-04-29
  262. Micro posting in April 2021-04-29
  263. Syracuse numbers 2021-04-22
  264. Python and string concatenation 2021-04-15
  265. Fisher-Yates shuffling 2021-04-13
  266. Les Sabines 2021-04-12
  267. Vim and neoterm 2021-03-31
  268. Micro posting in March 2021-03-30
  269. March on the road 2021-03-21
  270. Micro posting in February 2021-02-25
  271. Welcome OpenBSD 2021-02-20
  272. Lurking on the web 2021-02-16
  273. Usenet 2021-02-15
  274. The unquantified self #16 2021-02-02
  275. Practical and Modern Vim 2021-01-29
  276. Micro posting in January 2021-01-26
  277. Little shell scripts are amazing 2021-01-25
  278. Happy New Year 2021-01-01
  279. On creating Org documents using shell scripts 2020-12-28
  280. Random thoughts for the end of the year 2020-12-27
  281. Micro posting in December 2020-12-26
  282. One Week With Ubuntu 2020-12-20
  283. Welcome Ubuntu 2020-12-15
  284. How I stopped worrying about the Mac 2020-12-14
  285. Micro posting in November 2020-11-30
  286. The unquantified self #15 2020-10-29
  287. Micro posting in October 2020-10-27
  288. Back to Table one 2020-10-02
  289. Statistical software evaluation 2020-10-01
  290. Micro posting in September 2020-09-28
  291. Routed Gothic 2020-09-22
  292. On leaving Mac apps (almost) altogether 2020-09-20
  293. Org custom CSS 2020-09-18
  294. Minimalist Emacs 2020-09-16
  295. Using LSP from Neovim 2020-09-11
  296. September in review 2020-09-09
  297. The unquantified self #14 2020-09-08
  298. Monochrome color scheme 2020-09-04
  299. Amethyst tiling window manager 2020-09-03
  300. Micro posting in August 2020-08-26
  301. Switching to Firefox 2020-08-26
  302. Back in Mac 2020-08-20
  303. Kitty terminal emulator 2020-08-16
  304. Emacs Org and Tufte handout 2020-08-08
  305. Running Emacs in a terminal 2020-08-06
  306. August in review 2020-08-04
  307. Apple 12-inch is not a good fit 2020-08-03
  308. Micro posting in July 2020-07-27
  309. Recently 2020-07-23
  310. Fresh MacBook 2020-07-17
  311. July in review 2020-07-14
  312. Editor war 2020-07-09
  313. Micro posting in June 2020-06-30
  314. The unquantified self #13 2020-06-25
  315. Code & Co. 2020-06-24
  316. June in review 2020-06-15
  317. Welcome to the Matrix 2020-06-13
  318. Mann Whitney test 2020-06-05
  319. Emacs for the 21st Century 2020-06-04
  320. Customizing your shell 2020-06-03
  321. May in review (2) 2020-06-02
  322. On text linting 2020-05-29
  323. Just write 2020-05-28
  324. Micro posting in May 2020-05-27
  325. Discord on Emacs 2020-05-27
  326. R 4.0 2020-05-19
  327. Hypparchos and the solar model 2020-05-18
  328. Handy command-line utilities 2020-05-15
  329. May in review 2020-05-13
  330. J+55 2020-05-10
  331. Micro posting in April 2020-04-30
  332. Wolfram Engine and Jupyter 2020-04-24
  333. April in review 2020-04-19
  334. Galton-Watson process 2020-04-04
  335. Before Catalina 2020-04-02
  336. Stata, Emacs and Jupyter 2020-03-31
  337. Micro posting in March 2020-03-29
  338. ArXiving on March 2020 2020-03-29
  339. Computing √2 by additions alone 2020-03-28
  340. On condition number 2020-03-26
  341. Stuck at home 2020-03-25
  342. Gaussian elimination 2020-03-24
  343. March in review 2020-03-16
  344. Murmurhash 2020-03-12
  345. Phylogenetic analysis using Python 2020-03-11
  346. On comparing trees 2020-03-03
  347. Hex and Base64 2020-02-27
  348. Micro posting in February 2020-02-27
  349. Org exports 2020-02-23
  350. February in review (2) 2020-02-21
  351. The unquantified self #12 2020-02-20
  352. Latexing in the 21st century 2020-02-13
  353. February in review 2020-02-12
  354. Heap sort 2020-02-11
  355. Poisson approximation in practice 2020-02-03
  356. Variance-stabilizing transformations 2020-02-01
  357. Finding a DNA sequence in a genome 2020-01-31
  358. Micro posting in January 2020-01-31
  359. Josephus Problem 2020-01-30
  360. Python and H2O 2020-01-28
  361. Digit sum and factorial 2020-01-10
  362. Finding the majority element in a list 2020-01-09
  363. Capture-recapture sampling 2020-01-05
  364. January in review 2020-01-02
  365. Micro posting in December 2019-12-28
  366. Palindrome number 2019-12-27
  367. Moom App 2019-12-26
  368. Decimal expansion and coprimes 2019-12-25
  369. lost+found 2019 2019-12-24
  370. A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics 2019-12-24
  371. Armstrong numbers 2019-12-24
  372. Micro review from December 2019-12-23
  373. On memoization 2019-12-21
  374. Insertion sort and Python FFI 2019-12-18
  375. Racket FFI and C 2019-12-17
  376. Computing Student t-test 2019-12-14
  377. On computing variance 2019-12-13
  378. Sagan ici et là 2019-12-11
  379. Bioinformatics Algorithms 2019-12-09
  380. Prime permutations 2019-12-08
  381. Motzkin numbers 2019-12-07
  382. Micro posting in November 2019-11-29
  383. On computing Pi 2019-11-10
  384. RSS is trending 2019-11-09
  385. De Bruijn graph and genome assembly 2019-11-08
  386. Typora 2019-11-07
  387. Micro review from November 2019-11-04
  388. Micro posting in October 2019-10-30
  389. Virus and bacteria are growing fast 2019-10-17
  390. Micro review from October 2019-10-13
  391. The unquantified self #11 2019-10-11
  392. Getting functional using Python 2019-10-06
  393. NGS from the bottom up 2019-10-04
  394. Micro-posting in September 2019-09-28
  395. Site redesign 2019-09-22
  396. Prettify your Emacs (bis) 2019-09-18
  397. Micro review from September (2) 2019-09-14
  398. Coin tossing experiment: Score and Wald tests 2019-09-13
  399. Perfect and amicable numbers 2019-09-12
  400. Prettify your Emacs 2019-09-11
  401. Micro review from September 2019-09-06
  402. RCS 15 years later 2019-09-05
  403. Tranches de vie : des frigos 2019-09-01
  404. Micro-posting in August 2019-08-31
  405. Micro review from August 2019-08-25
  406. The unquantified self #10 2019-08-22
  407. Independent Alleles and Mendel's second law 2019-08-20
  408. Prime numbers in Scheme 2019-08-19
  409. Enter the Fish shell 2019-08-16
  410. Building an histogram in Lisp 2019-08-10
  411. Not so random links from August 2019-08-08
  412. Newton-Raphson algorithm in Racket 2019-08-08
  413. Decimal numbers 2019-08-06
  414. Power series and Fibonacci sequence 2019-07-31
  415. Micro-posting in July 2019-07-30
  416. List processing and consing 2019-07-29
  417. ArXiving on July 2019 2019-07-28
  418. Tech Review / July 2019 2019-07-26
  419. The unquantified self #9 2019-07-18
  420. From Polya to Euler problem 2019-07-12
  421. Digit Sum 2019-07-08
  422. Euler Problems 1-10 2019-07-04
  423. Micro-posting in June 2019-06-29
  424. On premature optimization 2019-06-29
  425. A bag of tweets / June 2019 2019-06-25
  426. lost+found 2018 2019-05-31
  427. Micro-posting in May 2019-05-31
  428. The unquantified self #8 2019-05-30
  429. Loving Common Lisp 2019-05-29
  430. A bag of tweets / May 2019 2019-05-23
  431. Postico App 2019-05-21
  432. Emacs, 15 years later 2019-05-13
  433. The unquantified self #7 2019-05-01
  434. Micro-posting in April 2019-04-30
  435. A bag of tweets / Apr 2019 2019-04-24
  436. Visual Statistics – Use R! 2019-04-12
  437. Not so random links from April 2019-04-12
  438. VS Code and Python 2019-04-08
  439. Stata plot of the week #3 2019-03-31
  440. Micro-posting in March 2019-03-31
  441. Zoo of data formats 2019-03-27
  442. A bag of tweets / Mar 2019 2019-03-25
  443. Bioinformatics Data Skills 2019-03-21
  444. The unquantified self #6 2019-03-18
  445. Finding and tagging annotated PDF files 2019-03-17
  446. One year micro-blogging 2019-03-14
  447. On getting into richer data structures 2019-03-13
  448. Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology 2019-03-10
  449. Processing large CSV files 2019-03-05
  450. Micro-posting in February 2019-02-28
  451. DNA substitutions and Continuous Markov Random Process 2019-02-26
  452. A bag of tweets / Feb 2019 2019-02-25
  453. Stata plot of the week #2 2019-02-24
  454. The unquantified self #5 2019-02-22
  455. What is Data Mining after all 2019-02-18
  456. Micro-posting in January 2019-01-30
  457. A bag of tweets / Jan 2019 2019-01-28
  458. TablePlus App 2019-01-28
  459. Stata and Extended Regression Models 2019-01-25
  460. Lasso Regression with Stata 2019-01-17
  461. Emacs and Python 3 2019-01-15
  462. Goodbye Cross Validated 2019-01-06
  463. Stata plot of the week #1 2019-01-02
  464. The unquantified self #4 2018-12-31
  465. A bag of tweets / Dec 2018 2018-12-31
  466. A bag of tweets / Nov 2018 2018-11-25
  467. Souvenir, souvenir 2018-11-20
  468. La vie en rond... 2018-11-04
  469. Org-mode and blogging 2018-10-27
  470. Tech Review / October 2018 2018-10-26
  471. A bag of tweets / Oct 2018 2018-10-25
  472. On standardizing the use of Reminder App and Org mode 2018-10-21
  473. OS X Mojave 2018-10-20
  474. ArXiving on May 2018 2018-10-19
  475. CleanMyMac App 2018-10-09
  476. Timing App 2018-10-08
  477. On leaving social media altogether 2018-10-06
  478. Computer Age Statistical Inference 2018-10-06
  479. Quantifier la vie humaine 2018-10-03
  480. The unquantified self #3 2018-09-30
  481. Glaneurs de rêves 2018-09-30
  482. Transmit App 2018-09-28
  483. A bag of tweets / Sep 2018 2018-09-27
  484. Petit précis à déguster 2018-09-20
  485. Stata and Julia on Atom 2018-09-19
  486. A bag of tweets / Aug 2018 2018-08-31
  487. A bag of tweets / Jul 2018 2018-07-24
  488. Jogging Memory 2018-07-21
  489. Is coffee soluble in a Macbook? 2018-07-01
  490. Forklift 2018-06-27
  491. Tech Review / June 2018 2018-06-22
  492. 50 years of Data Science and beyond 2018-06-21
  493. New tutorials 2018-06-20
  494. Automated ML interpretation 2018-06-19
  495. The unquantified self #2 2018-06-18
  496. Minor update on SAS2R 2018-06-13
  497. Spacemacs June 2018 2018-06-12
  498. Tweetbot 3 2018-06-10
  499. Setting Up Mu4e 1.0 C 2018-06-01
  500. Ten Years 2018-05-22
  501. On the Raise and Fall of Apple Products 2018-05-21
  502. Tech Review / May 2018 2018-05-17
  503. Org and Bibtex 2018-05-13
  504. Deckset App 2018-05-11
  505. Goodbye Google 2018-05-03
  506. The unquantified self #1 2018-05-03
  507. The Competitive Programmer's Handbook 2018-05-01
  508. Quadratic Equation and the Evil of Floating Point 2018-04-29
  509. Dash App 2018-04-25
  510. Functional Programming as a Matter of Opinion 2018-04-24
  511. Tech Review / April 2018 (2) 2018-04-23
  512. The Mature Optimization Handbook 2018-04-12
  513. Doom Emacs 2018-04-11
  514. ArXiving on March 2018 2018-04-10
  515. Some solutions for secure and encrypted information 2018-04-09
  516. Reeder App 2018-04-08
  517. Tech Review / April 2018 2018-04-06
  518. The Bridge, Bron | Broen 2018-04-05
  519. Exploratory Desktop 2018-03-26
  520. Category Theory 2018-03-24
  521. Tech Review / March 2018 2018-03-19
  522. The Imposter Handbook 2018-03-13
  523. Spacemacs and Hugo made easy 2018-03-06
  524. Clifford attractors 2018-02-26
  525. Tech Review / February 2018 2018-02-24
  526. Learning Unix for OS X 2018-02-19
  527. A text-based workflow for taking note 2018-02-18
  528. Life in pictures 2018-02-07
  529. Migrating to Hugo 2018-01-22
  530. Tech Review / January 2018 2018-01-19
  531. Live coding 2018-01-17
  532. The setup (2018 edition) 2018-01-12
  533. Recent readings on arXiv 2018-01-10
  534. Tech Review / December 2017 2017-12-31
  535. lost+found 2016 2017-12-21
  536. Multi-Group comparison in PLS Path Models 2016-05-28
  537. Academic Teaching 2016-05-28
  538. Spring quick notes 2016-04-25
  539. lost+found 2015 2016-01-01
  540. A bag of tweets / October 2015 2015-10-30
  541. OS X El Capitan 2015-10-14
  542. Data cleaning techniques 2015-10-14
  543. A bag of tweets / September 2015 2015-09-30
  544. A bag of tweets / August 2015 2015-08-30
  545. Why I am still using Emacs 2015-08-15
  546. A bag of tweets / July 2015 2015-07-30
  547. Data science from scratch 2015-07-26
  548. Yet another gray theme for R base graphics 2015-07-25
  549. Writing a Book 2015-07-22
  550. A bag of tweets / June 2015 2015-06-30
  551. A bag of tweets / May 2015 2015-05-30
  552. Stata for health researchers 2015-05-29
  553. Leanpub: a new way to publish your textbook 2015-04-30
  554. R Pipes and Co. 2015-04-30
  555. A bag of tweets / April 2015 2015-04-30
  556. A bag of tweets / March 2015 2015-03-30
  557. A bag of tweets / February 2015 2015-02-27
  558. R graphs cookbook 2015-01-15
  559. lost+found 2014 2015-01-01
  560. A bag of tweets / November 2014 2014-11-30
  561. Tmux and OS X 2014-11-15
  562. Weaving Stata 2014-11-15
  563. OS X Yosemite 2014-11-04
  564. Bad data handbook 2014-11-02
  565. Some useful Mac apps for data scientists 2014-11-02
  566. A bag of tweets / October 2014 2014-10-30
  567. Collecting email usage statistics from mu 2014-10-26
  568. Data science at the command line 2014-10-12
  569. A bag of tweets / September 2014 2014-09-30
  570. From Beamer to Deckset 2014-08-17
  571. Publishing on Github 2014-08-17
  572. Fixing some critical keyboard shortcuts in OS X terminal 2014-08-13
  573. Emacs Org-mode and literate programming 2014-08-06
  574. A modular configuration for Emacs 2014-08-04
  575. Common Lisp on Mavericks 2014-08-04
  576. A bag of tweets / July 2014 2014-07-30
  577. Back from the VI EAM conference 2014-07-29
  578. OS X Mavericks 2014-07-27
  579. UseR 2014 2014-07-04
  580. A bag of tweets / August 2014 2014-06-30
  581. A bag of tweets / June 2014 2014-06-30
  582. A bag of tweets / May 2014 2014-05-30
  583. A bag of tweets / April 2014 2014-04-30
  584. Light Table and interactive live coding 2014-04-25
  585. Reproducible research with R 2014-04-19
  586. Scheme and Emacs 2014-04-18
  587. Markdown and slideshow 2014-04-17
  588. Statistical questions in evidence-based medicine 2014-04-04
  589. A bag of tweets / March 2014 2014-03-30
  590. A bag of tweets / February 2014 2014-02-27
  591. A bag of tweets / January 2014 2014-01-30
  592. A bag of tweets / December 2013 2013-12-30
  593. A bag of tweets / November 2013 2013-11-30
  594. The Hmisc and rms packages 2013-11-24
  595. Twenty canonical questions in machine learning 2013-11-07
  596. A bag of tweets / October 2013 2013-10-30
  597. A bag of tweets / September 2013 2013-09-30
  598. Some random geeky notes 2013-09-03
  599. A bag of tweets / August 2013 2013-08-30
  600. A bag of tweets / July 2013 2013-07-30
  601. EHealth, eTools and the like 2013-07-10
  602. Do a large amount of consulting 2013-07-02
  603. A bag of tweets / June 2013 2013-06-30
  604. Using mu to manage e-mails (followup) 2013-06-14
  605. My Setup 2013-06-10
  606. Structural equation modeling with Stata 2013-06-10
  607. Using Mu to manage e-mails 2013-05-31
  608. A bag of tweets / May 2013 2013-05-30
  609. Python for interactive scientific data visualization 2013-05-15
  610. A bag of tweets / April 2013 2013-04-30
  611. Bar charts of counts in Stata 2013-04-13
  612. A bag of tweets / March 2013 2013-03-30
  613. Audit trails and statistical project management 2013-03-01
  614. A bag of tweets / February 2013 2013-02-27
  615. Dose finding studies and cross-over trials 2013-02-24
  616. Exploratory data mining and data cleaning 2013-02-17
  617. Emacs auto-completion for Python 2013-02-11
  618. Hierarchical Omega in factor analysis 2013-02-10
  619. Winter desk cleaning 2013-02-10
  620. A bag of tweets / January 2013 2013-01-30
  621. Textmate 2 2013-01-02
  622. lost+found 2012 2013-01-01
  623. A bag of tweets / December 2012 2012-12-30
  624. Alternative mail reader for Mac OS X 2012-12-17
  625. Cognitive diagnosis models 2012-12-10
  626. Dicing With Death 2012-12-09
  627. Backup Strategy 2012-12-01
  628. A bag of tweets / November 2012 2012-11-30
  629. ODBC drivers on Mac OS X 2012-11-24
  630. Visualizing results from SQL queries 2012-11-23
  631. A bag of tweets / October 2012 2012-10-30
  632. Interactive Data Visualization With Cranvas 2012-10-27
  633. Notes on the ISOQOL 2012 conference 2012-10-27
  634. Working with tables and Pandoc 2012-10-10
  635. A bag of tweets / September 2012 2012-09-30
  636. User-friendly statistical packages 2012-09-27
  637. Interacting with Weka from Jython 2012-09-20
  638. A bag of tweets / August 2012 2012-08-30
  639. Testlet response theory 2012-08-27
  640. Sublime Text 2012-08-26
  641. Bergen 2012-08-25
  642. Markdown everywhere 2012-08-09
  643. Some random notes 2012-08-09
  644. A bag of tweets / July 2012 2012-07-30
  645. Factor analysis with categorical data 2012-07-27
  646. Upgrading Bash and zsh on OS X 2012-07-24
  647. Notes on the ECM 2012 Conference 2012-07-22
  648. Customizing terminal applications on OS X 2012-07-21
  649. Methods for handling treatment switches 2012-07-05
  650. Back from the BoRdeaux conference 2012-07-04
  651. A bag of tweets / June 2012 2012-06-30
  652. Coffescript 2012-06-24
  653. Sun of my life 2012-06-23
  654. Back to a Time Capsule 2012-06-16
  655. GNU Emacs on OS X 10.7 2012-06-16
  656. Mendelian randomization 2012-06-15
  657. A bag of tweets / May 2012 2012-05-30
  658. A bag of tweets / April 2012 2012-04-30
  659. Workflow for statistical data analysis 2012-04-26
  660. Weaving Stata Documents 2012-04-22
  661. Easy creation of videos with R 2012-04-15
  662. Latest reading list on medical statistics 2012-04-15
  663. Julia 2012-04-04
  664. Easier literate programming with R 2012-04-02
  665. A bag of tweets / March 2012 2012-03-30
  666. Happy TeXying 2012-03-28
  667. GSL shell and Julia 2012-03-11
  668. Work distraction-free OS X desktop 2012-03-02
  669. A bag of tweets / February 2012 2012-02-27
  670. Biplots 2012-02-25
  671. The random joys of living with a Macbook 2012-02-23
  672. Mokken scale analysis 2012-02-23
  673. A bag of tweets / January 2012 2012-01-30
  674. lost+found 2011 2012-01-01
  675. A bag of tweets / December 2011 2011-12-30
  676. Formative vs Reflective Measurement 2011-12-11
  677. Random notes 2011-12-11
  678. Contemporary or modern psychometrics 2011-12-11
  679. Fitting genetic models for twin studies 2011-12-10
  680. Kiefer's Introduction to statistical inference 2011-12-05
  681. A bag of tweets / November 2011 2011-11-30
  682. Playing With Docbook Again 2011-11-14
  683. A bag of tweets / October 2011 2011-10-30
  684. A bag of tweets / September 2011 2011-09-30
  685. A bag of tweets / August 2011 2011-08-30
  686. Apple weekend miscellanies 2011-08-29
  687. Color schemes for Emacs and TeX 2011-08-25
  688. Dimensions or categories? 2011-08-24
  689. Ensemble Methods in Data Mining 2011-08-22
  690. Summer desk cleaning 2011-08-21
  691. IPython 0.11, the new killer app 2011-08-01
  692. A bag of tweets / July 2011 2011-07-30
  693. Installing numpy+scipy on OS X Lion 2011-07-24
  694. Welcome OS X Lion 2011-07-24
  695. Subgroup Analysis 2011-07-18
  696. A bag of tweets / June 2011 2011-06-30
  697. Playing with TwitteR 2011-06-25
  698. Cronbach's alpha yet again 2011-06-25
  699. A bag of tweets / May 2011 2011-05-30
  700. Design of experiment in R 2011-05-28
  701. Using bootstrap in cluster analysis 2011-05-22
  702. Recursive feature elimination coupled to SVM in R 2011-05-22
  703. Compiling Gnuplot on OS X 2011-05-09
  704. Pretty printing statistical distribution tables 2011-04-30
  705. A bag of tweets / April 2011 2011-04-30
  706. Computing intraclass correlation with R 2011-04-29
  707. Three must-read papers on predictive modeling 2011-04-28
  708. Weaving scientific documents 2011-04-25
  709. A bag of tweets / March 2011 2011-03-30
  710. Three books on statistical methodology for RCTs 2011-03-28
  711. Some caveat in clinical trial risk assessment 2011-03-21
  712. More on bagging 2011-03-20
  713. Fitting Rasch model with R lme4 2011-03-12
  714. Statistical learning and regression 2011-03-12
  715. A bag of tweets / Feb 2011 2011-02-27
  716. Visualizing What Random Forests Really Do 2011-02-25
  717. Psychoco 2011 2011-02-24
  718. Time to lush 2011-02-22
  719. The 6th CARME conference 2011-02-12
  720. Python for statistical computing 2011-02-07
  721. Diving Into Lisp for Statistical Computing 2011-02-05
  722. Yet another interactive shell for numerical computing 2011-01-31
  723. Getting started with Slime 2011-01-30
  724. A bag of tweets / Jan 2011 2011-01-30
  725. A bunch of paper on multivariate data analysis 2011-01-28
  726. GIS on a Mac 2011-01-23
  727. Gmail seasonal cleaning 2011-01-21
  728. Archiving my responses on StackExchange 2011-01-20
  729. Asymptote and Metapost 2011-01-18
  730. Overview of next gen database 2011-01-18
  731. Playing with BackupMyTweets 2011-01-17
  732. Circular displays for contingency tables 2011-01-14
  733. So many programming languages 2011-01-11
  734. QALYs and DALYs 2011-01-11
  735. Venn diagrams and SQL joins in R 2011-01-07
  736. lost+found 2010 2011-01-01
  737. Fall desk cleaning 2010-12-27
  738. Syntax highlighting in Latex 2010-12-26
  739. Send email via Postfix 2010-12-20
  740. Cabal upgrade 2010-12-19
  741. Measures of accuracy for classification 2010-12-03
  742. Psychometrics, measurement, and diagnostic medicine 2010-11-26
  743. The 17th annual ISOQOL conference 2010-11-25
  744. Welcome to the Macbook Air 2010-11-20
  745. How to efficiently manage a statistical analysis project 2010-09-25
  746. Revisiting Cronbach's alpha 2010-09-22
  747. Against the systematic use of Fisher's exact test 2010-09-16
  748. Switching to Textpattern 2010-09-12
  749. Handling extreme response style 2010-09-07
  750. GRADE and evidence-based medicine 2010-09-02
  751. A recap' on the statistical analysis of RCTs 2010-09-01
  752. Summary for the 31th ISBC conference 2010-08-31
  753. A bayesian t-test 2010-08-22
  754. Intelligence, the psychometric view 2010-08-20
  755. Edinburgh 2010-08-19
  756. I got an iPhone 4 2010-08-18
  757. High-dimensional data analysis in cancer research 2010-08-09
  758. Web sharing, web syncing 2010-08-09
  759. Permutation vs. bootstrap test of hypothesis 2010-07-28
  760. Back from the IV EAM conference 2010-07-27
  761. Git, svn, Emacs and OVH 2010-07-15
  762. Bayesian analysis with R 2010-06-27
  763. Bayesian analysis with Python 2010-06-27
  764. Emacs versus Textmate 2010-05-25
  765. Recent lectures on HRQL, Genetic Epidemiology, and Psychometrics 2010-05-13
  766. The New Psychometrics 2010-05-13
  767. Visualizing data using tag cloud 2010-04-17
  768. Python and significant indentation 2010-04-17
  769. Blogging about this Jekyll blog 2010-04-15
  770. Building R 2.12 and Python 3.1 2010-04-05
  771. Switching to Biblatex 2010-04-04
  772. Web scraping with Perl 2010-04-04
  773. Upgrading Context 2010-04-03
  774. Key concepts in mental health 2010-03-02
  775. Dive into Ruby on Mac OS X 2009-12-01
  776. Apple development tools, An overview 2009-11-26
  777. Up 2009-07-28
  778. Cambridge 2009-07-28
  779. Copenhagen 2009-07-16
  780. Multiple comparisons and p-value adjustment 2008-07-27
  781. Testing BioPython 2008-07-27
  782. Reliable and clinically significant change 2008-07-13
  783. Embedding C code in a Java app 2008-07-13
  784. How to get scientific Python on Mac OS X Leopard 2008-07-02
  785. Bioinformatics with Mac OS X 2008-06-15
  786. Networks, graphs and visualization 2008-05-19
  787. Statistical Models for cross-classified data structures 2008-05-15
  788. French localization with R under Mac OS X 2008-05-13
  789. Paired preference models 2008-05-05
  790. Leopard, about 6 months later 2008-05-04
  791. Practical psychiatric epidemiology 2008-04-27
  792. Penalized likelihood regression 2008-04-15
  793. Interaction terms in nonlinear models 2008-04-15
  794. Linear programming with GNU software 2008-04-10
  795. Around survey methodology and questionnaire design 2008-03-24
  796. Quality of Life Psychometrics and Beyond 2008-02-23
  797. Handling missing data in clinical trials 2008-02-23
  798. Regression Methods in Biostatistics 2008-02-10
  799. Applications of Latent Trait and Latent Class Models in the Social Sciences 2008-02-10
  800. Methods in social epidemiology 2008-02-02