I finally got ride of most of the (Neo)vim packages I was only using on an occasional basis, which led me to the following setup: (I barely use Rust, but I happen to read some Rust code from time to time.)
» tree -L 3 pack
└── plugins
├── opt
│ ├── haskell-tools.nvim
│ ├── molten-nvim
│ └── rustaceanvim
└── start
├── fzf-lua
├── nvim-treesitter
├── nvim-treesitter-textobjects
└── vimtex
Also, I deleted my custom colorscheme, even if I was just using zenbones for the past few months, and I switched to the builtin quiet
colorscheme, which is great (pending some minor changes which I implemented in an autocommand
). Good-bye orgmode as well, especially since I don’t use the agenda and capture stuff. #vim