March 10, 2025

I just spent half an hour decluterring my $HOME dotfiles and movinf everything I could to standard XDG config, data and state directories. Looks much cleaner now.

.CFUserTextEncoding  .cargo/              .local/              .ssh/                Library/             backup/
.DS_Store            .config/             .mail/               .stack/              Movies/              cwd/
.Renviron            .ctags               .npm/                .zprofile            Music/               tmp/
.Trash/              .cups/               .nvm/                Desktop/             Pictures/
.cabal/              .deno/               .roswell/            Documents/           Public/
.cache/              .ghcup/              .rustup/             Downloads/           Sites/

The cornerstone for running zsh properly is to point ZDOTDIR to the relevant XDG data directory.


for file in $HOME/.config/profile.d/*.sh; do
  . "$file"