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Understanding Automatic Differentiation in 30 lines of Python: A simplified yet effective illustration of AD in the context of neural network training. #python
My thoughts on Haskell in 2020. tl;dr Stick to Simple Haskell. #haskell
A Modern C Development Environment: A complete step by step tutorial to develop using Docker and GitHub workflow. Note that clang-tidy is available in ALE for Vim. If you use Neovim, the the clangd LSP already uses clang-tidy, or you can just add --clang-tidy
to clangd parameters. Extra options can also be added in a .clang-tidy
file. See also clang --help-hidden
As a sequel of one of my last benchmarking post, here’s a rough estimate of Polars vs. Datatable performance when reading a 34 Mb file (NYC Flights Dataset, available from avrious sources; see e.g., this post):
import time
import datatable
import polars
tic = time.time()
flights = polars.read_csv("nycflights.csv", null_values="NA")
toc = time.time()
print(f"Elapsed time: {(toc-tic) * 10**3:.2f} ms")
## => Elapsed time: 54.61 ms
tic = time.time()
flights = datatable.fread("nycflights.csv")
toc = time.time()
print(f"Elapsed time: {(toc-tic) * 10**3:.2f} ms")
## => Elapsed time: 57.60 ms
Polars also offers a lazy CSV reader using scan_csv
, which is way faster (1.22 ms). #python
Identity Beyond Usernames. For random UUIDs, see also Fixed Bits of Version 4 UUID.
Now, I’ll be quick to admit that you probably shouldn’t spend a huge amount of time trying to install something from source. For many packages the best case scenario is a complicated process requiring specific build tools and dependencies with their own complications. The worst case scenario is poor or lacking documentation and no idea how to even get started. — Try installing from source first
I did install from scratch almost any app/program on my Mac 15 years ago. At that time, Mac systems were transitioning from 32 to 64 bits, and it was kind of a mess for some programs. Then I got bored and I choose to rely on Homebrew. Then Homebrew got sort of broken on my Macbook, and I was back at the magic incantation configure && make && make install
Email Authentication: A Developer’s Guide: I got my emails treated as spam by Gmail when using my www provider (OVH), which is probably why. And this doesn’t happen when I send emails via may account. Note that Google only started rejecting my principal domain name a few months ago, or maybe last year.
Also, whenever someone tells me that Arch never breaks, “You just have to read the blog”. Uh, okay. No thanks. I’m not reading all the latest news about any other device I allow updates to. I’m not starting that nonsense in my fifties. — Why I use Ubuntu