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The people who insist that the manpages are all you need will sometimes dismiss guide-type documentation as tedious to work through; they’d rather learn things from a reference, they say, because that way they can jump around in it and look for the specific bits that are relevant to them right now. And that’s fine—if they’re right that the stuff they’re skipping over isn’t relevant to them. But it also has negative practical consequences. — I Didn’t Learn Unix By Reading All The Manpages
Nice stuff. The evolution of a Scheme programmer. You may also like The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer. #scheme
At the time, however, Linux didn’t seem to have a word processor (I’m sure it actually did). What did people use to write documents? When I asked someone at the local Linux Users’ Group about this, they told me about LaTeX. And that began a very long love affair with typesetting in general and TeX in particular. I have used some variation of TeX/LaTeX to write pretty much every paper, every article, every talk, every letter, every slide, and every lecture I’ve written for the last twenty-five years. — Beautiful Documents with Groff
It basically boils down to two things - using type hints as much as possible, and upholding the good ol’ making illegal states unrepresentable principle. — Writing Python like it’s Rust
TIL about click, a package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. #python
Autocompletion is not an aid to make it easier to write code. It does not do that. What it does actually do is make it easier to architect code. Writing code is easy; all it involves is writing text. Any trained monkey can write code. Deciding what to write is decidedly harder. That’s the true task that programmers do. Following from that assertion, writing code and deciding what code to write (designing or architecting) are distinctly separate tasks. Therefore you should not decide what to write as you are writing code. — Why I Don’t Use Autocomplete
First peonies of the year.
For example, you remove an attribute from a class definition. Your existing objects get (lazily) updated to reflect that change, following a rule you even have control upon. You don’t have to restart a process and then re-create your objects. The same is true for Lisp web development. You can create a new route, compile it and try it live without restarting the server. You didn’t have to restart a process. It’s all very interactive with instant feedback! — Why Lisp?
Spinach, goat cheese and chorizo.
Today I had to rollback nvim to a previous state: one or some of the last pushes on the nightly branch broke my LSP setup, which would no longer autostart. No luck, just when I said I never encountered a single breaking change in Neovim core in months. #vim