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Config (282.0 total hours, 5.0% of all time): Time spent on actual Emacs configuration. — 916 days of Emacs
But there’ll be winners and losers – everyone agrees. If it’s good, then the productivity gains will be unevenly distributed and those with only basic abilities - in programming, writing, music will be replaced by the machines, or by someone using a machine to produce a lot more of the product. If it’s bad, the people using the AI will benefit but those at the other end of the algorithm, those subjected to AI-powered policing, healthcare, or hiring are subject to the inaccuracy, bias, or malice built into the system. — The one about AI
Back to Kitty, as a replacement for Alacritty which I enjoyed using the past few months. I still use Tmux, though. #unix
Interesting blog post if you want to learn more about Chicken Scheme’s internals: CHICKEN internals: data representation . #scheme
Functors and monads are powerful design patterns used in Haskell. They give us two cool tricks for analyzing data. First, we can “preprocess” data after we’ve already trained a model. The model will be automatically updated to reflect the changes. Second, this whole process happens asymptotically faster than the standard method of preprocessing. In some cases, you can do it in constant time no matter how many data points you have! — Functors and monads for analyzing data
♪ Lady Blackbird · It’ll Never Happen Again
Blade Runner 2049: +1. Although, (1) it is way too long (163’), and (2) the end (I mean, the last hour really) leaves much to be desired. Now, I started watching The Last Kingdom, after Vikings and Vikings Valhala. I guess I will still prefer Vikings over the two other ones. #self
The Serokell and Tweag blog are really amazing if you are interested in Haskell (or Rust, or Python). Even older posts are still relevant today: Enter the matrix, Haskell style. #haskell