Creating and managing a package seemed much harder than I expected. — An unbiased evaluation of environment management and packaging tools
… to put it very mildly… This, however, does constitue a very good overview of what’s available in the Python ecocystem as of this writing. #python
2024-08-01: ♪ The Doors · The Crystal Ship
2024-08-02: And so, one year later, we got a few dozens of additional functions and a brand new name.
2024-08-06: I wanted to get rid of raw <img>
tags and replace then with <figure>
, available as a shortcode in Hugo. It turned out I had a lot of replacements to perform:
» rg -nc "\!\[.*\]\(" content/post | cut -d: -f2 | paste -sd+ | bc
Here’s a classical one-liner using Sed:
sed "s/^\!\[.*\](\(.*\))/{{< figure src=\"\1\" >}}/ content/post/*.md
I took the opportunity to add a small colored insert to each figure using the following CSS code:
figure {box-shadow: 0 0 0 .5em #f3f3ed;margin: 2em 4em;}
» du -sh /var/lib/flatpak
11G /var/lib/flatpak
Hopefully other email clients can get to state where they too can do all of this. — Patch Workflow With Mutt 2019
2024-08-16: Configuration, scripts and tips for using mpv as an image viewer. See also this GH issue for extended discussion.
2024-08-16: ♪ Tindersticks · Factory Girls
2024-08-16: ♪ Tindersticks · Raindrops (John Peel 1993)
2024-08-19: Looks interesting: Render and include figures in Pandoc documents using your plotting toolkit of choice .
2024-08-19: Efficient rolling statistics. #haskell
2024-08-19: ♪ Timber Timbre · Moment
kitty has to run on what I’m remoting from. tmux can work on what I’m remoting into. And that makes all the difference. — tmux is worse is better
2024-08-21: Churn and Weight: Or how to get interesting statistics for your Git projects.
2024-08-22: Racket parallel build in action.
2024-08-22: ♪ Wire · The Boiling Boy
IRC has historically been one of the most important chat programs in my life. — My IRC client runs on KubernetesPoor or lazy solution on my side: irrsi runs on a uni server, and I rsync the logs on my laptop when I’m in. I also concatenate all channel logs into monthly logs so that it’s easier to read what’s going on. This is why I may be slow to respond to /msg sometimes.
Putting Xs into squares is all the rage with statisticians. We should test that they can use bitstring macros for that. — CVS: src
2024-08-24: Cleaning up the mess accumulated in my ~/.local/bin
and updating binary releases here and there. I wish I was not so lazy and wrote a quick
script once for all.
2024-08-24: Some really nice Gnome extensions are landing on GitHub, see openbar and forge. See also Exploring the Default Tiling Windows Feature in Ubuntu 24.04 (and Enhancing it). I still have Tactile around, but I rarely used it these days, unless I’m mirroring my desktop on a larger screen. #unix
2024-08-24: Sometimes I miss my time with macOS Mojave.
2024-08-24: TIL about which is amazing: no dependency, self-contained, and it can be used online without setting up anything in your bashrc or zshrc config. You can not only preview colorscheme using Fzf, but you can also import your own colorscheme (it will be added in
itself. See also Foot FAQ to implement dynamic color changes. #unix
2024-08-24: Yet another TUI app that I recently added to my toolbet, with the hope that it will improve over time: tdf. I heavily rely on Zathura for things related to PDF (espacially for bidirectional sync when using Texlab), altough I came to appreciate Evince with time (it can open DVI and PS file, by the way). With async rendering and hot reloading, I can imagine that tdf could be a great add-on for previewing TEX compilation results.
2024-08-24: What scientists must know about hardware to write fast code: Great read, even for those not familiar with Julia.
2024-08-24: ♪ Wire · Outdoor Miner
2024-08-26: Installing wxpython on Ubuntu just takes 25 min. on an Intel i7-10610U (8 cores) @ 4.900GHz (389 Mo, virtual environment included). BTW, there’s no wheel for GTK4. #python
2024-08-31: This photo reminds me of the time when I was studying computer vision. Back in the time, we were happy with newly released LCD displays, although we got some CRTs lurking around. Now I can display images in my terminal (foot + sixel).
2024-08-31: Commit Mono is an anonymous and neutral programming typeface focused on creating a better reading experience.