Here’s a list of TUIs I use on my OS. They are ranked according to daily usage, from top to bottom. Since I spent my time in a Terminal managed by Tmux, with almost inevitably cmus and neomutt running in separate windows,1 they are ranked first. I do not mention sed, awk, fzf, rg, and all the good stuff from GNU coreutils, nor zsh itself.
folder that allow me, e.g., to update all remote repos, get various stats, rewrite author and/or history and so
that triggers mpv with online radios.Here’s a raw list of binaries I installed over the time. I won’t show my $HOME/bin
folder, whcih I purged recently from old X11-only or defunct shell scripts. I still have a dozens of those lying around.
» ls .local/bin
akku@ csvtk* gen-hie* marksman* pylyzer* ruff* streamlink@ viu*
alen* deno* haskell-debug-adapter* matterbridge* py-spy* rust-analyzer* stylish-haskell* wtwitch*
ark* difft* hdc* mdbook* qlot@ scc* stylua* xlispstat*
bandcamp-dl@ duckdb* hoogle* mdcat* qr* seqkit* swish-lint@ xstata@
bb* dut* ihaskell* nvimpager* qsv* seqtk* tdf* xstata-mp@
bibclean* elm* joker* onefetch* reader* shellharden* texlab* ya@
cabal-fmt* fast-tags* lein* ormolu* rfc* sixcat** yazi@
clojure-lsp* floskell* lsix* pandoc-crossref* rga* stack-clean-old* ueberzug* ytfzf*
csslint* fourmolu* ltex-ls@ pdfcpu* rga-fzf* stan* ueberzugpp* zaread*
csvlens* fzf* lua-language-server* poetry@ rga-preproc* statweave.jar vale*
Apart from LSPs, I like to keep in this XDG folder stuff installed from GitHub and alike, or binaries that are too old in Ubuntu official repositories (e.g., fzf). I still need to write an
shell script to download and/or update binaries from latest GitHub release. I removed everything installed with pip after I upgraded to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and I’m now symlinking binaries from package installed in separate virtual environments in my $HOME/.Local/lib
folder. I also keep binaries like matterbridge for memories. Many are still installed for testing purpose, e.g. marksman.
I know this is a lot and for many of those binaries, I must admit I don’t use them often. Some binaries are also simple shell scripts for old X sessions (i3 or Regolith) and are not relevant anymore since I’m on Wayland.
♪ A Certain Ratio • The Fox
I used to launch each one in separate sessions, but I now use mostly the same session for media and news consumption, along regular off-hand tasks, and I create dedicated session for projects I’m working on. ↩︎