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If you’re interested in Advent of Code challenge and Lisp, go take a look at Joe Marshall series on his blog. Last blog post here, with accompagnying GitHub repo. #lisp
/me is listening to “Blood Moon” by Concrete Blonde
I just spent half an hour decluterring my $HOME dotfiles and movinf everything I could to standard XDG config, data and state directories. Looks much cleaner now.
.CFUserTextEncoding .cargo/ .local/ .ssh/ Library/ backup/
.DS_Store .config/ .mail/ .stack/ Movies/ cwd/
.Renviron .ctags .npm/ .zprofile Music/ tmp/
.Trash/ .cups/ .nvm/ Desktop/ Pictures/
.cabal/ .deno/ .roswell/ Documents/ Public/
.cache/ .ghcup/ .rustup/ Downloads/ Sites/
The cornerstone for running zsh properly is to point ZDOTDIR
to the relevant XDG data directory.
for file in $HOME/.config/profile.d/*.sh; do
. "$file"
How many busy years before the poison?
Found this very old screenshots of podcasts I was listening to on iTunes.
A new version of Racket (8.16) has just been released. There’s now full support for Student t distribution. Easy upgrade (pending a minor issue with Homebrew installed libzmq):
brew upgrade
raco pkg migrate 8.15
rm -rf ~/Library/Racket/8.15
cp /opt/homebrew/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.5_1/lib/libzmq.5.dylib ~/Library/Racket/8.16/lib
raco iracket install
More macOS Tips & Tricks. #apple
(…) it’s a good idea to first understand how the system was designed to be used before decrying it as ill-conceived or making it something it isn’t using third-party window managers, app switchers, and so on. — macOS Tips
0xProto, with its subtle ligatures, looks great. (via Leah Neukirchen)