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2025-02-18 20:25 #

Almost two months with new MacBook and I’m back to my old habits using Tmux and Neomutt all day. Apple Mail is fine but I manage my e-mails 3 times faster with neomutt. Likewise, Apple Terminal has been enhanced over the years but nothing beats Tmux when it comes to manage long-running sessions, multiple panes, and paste buffers. That being said I’m happy everything is kept in sync and I can switch to whichever software to suit my mood. #apple

2025-02-11 19:31 #

Boring tech behaves in predictable ways. It’s a well trodden path others have evaluated, optimised, troubleshooted, and understood. Using tech that has been subjected to all those people hours of use means you’re less likely to run into edge cases, unexpected behaviour, or attributes and features that lack documentation or community knowledge. — Boring tech is mature, not old

2025-01-29 20:55 #

RHO: A Common Lisp library implementing R ideas. #lisp

2025-01-29 20:53 #

To put it briefly, human experience is characterized by Dasein (a technical term for Heidegger that can be translated literally as “being-there” or “being-here”), which tends to overcome spatial distance through meaningful action or symbolic understanding, to bring even the world close to itself, a tendency that Heidegger calls de-severance. With various modern technologies, however, this tendency of Dasein is made more complicated. — A Phenomenology of Spotify and Vinyl

2025-01-29 20:51 #

Less is more. Avoid grand designs. Keep the codebase as small as possible. — The ten project management commandments

2025-01-25 20:55 #

img Listening to old music that changed my musical world back then…

2025-01-24 21:12 #

What are the worst (commonly adopted) ideas/principles in statistics?. So long CV, but I’m glad to see that the site can still generate very interesting discussions.

2025-01-24 21:11 #

The lie-to-children here is that we pretend the do block is magical and that when it executes, it also executes side effects of functions called in it. This mental model will take the beginner a long way, but at some point, one will want to break free of it. That is when Haskell starts to really shine as a procedural language. — Haskell: A Great Procedural Language

2025-01-24 21:09 #

So be it, everything is an expression. #wolfram