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2023-03-20 09:33 #

Together with Vinfo, dpans2texi makes it easy to navigate through CL help files. Be sure to apply the following patch as well. #vim #lisp

2023-03-17 21:08 #

Peonia is waiting for its time…


2023-03-08 15:56 #

Testing my new mapping of the month:

nnoremap <expr> <tab> tabpagenr('$') ==? 1 ? "<C-^>" : ":tabnext<cr>"

Basically, use TAB to switch to the alternate buffer when there’s no other tab, otherwise go to next tab (and cycle). #vim

2023-02-27 12:24 #

♪ Washed Out · Amor Fati

2023-02-27 12:13 #

Each time I take a look at This week in Neovim (#33 right there), I feel like there’s so much new stuff published every week that we will get another (M)ELPA for Neovim packages at some point. #vim

2023-02-27 12:11 #

European Route Planning: Clear and elegant use of postgres and shell scripting.

2023-02-27 11:56 #

I’ve been using part of mini.nvim last year but for now I’m just loading the completion module. I noticed there’s an increased number of modules developed since last time I checked. I warmly recommend those modules if you want something light, easy to install and to setup. #vim

2023-02-27 09:00 #

My IRC bouncer (BNC4FREE) has been down for one week. Time to go back running Irssi in a detached Tmux session on a local server.

2023-02-27 08:59 #

Spatial sampling with R. Lot of pretty illustrations and good old base R code. #rstats

2023-02-23 21:48 #

♪ Memory Tapes · Bicycle