Micro posting in June

June 30, 2024


A good understanding of Vim’s various lists is a massive productivity boost — it’s taken me many years of Vim use to truly appreciate this. — Vim’s useful lists.

2024-06-20: TIL that Racket comes with a migration utility for packages installed using a preceding release: raco pkg migrate.
2024-06-20: ♪ New Order · Truth

“Vim experts” don’t prefer buffers over tabs: they use buffers as the file proxies they are and tab pages as the workspaces they are. Buffers and tab pages have different purposes so preferring one to the other makes no sense whatsoever. — Why do Vim experts prefer buffers over tabs?

2024-06-25: After 4 years I think fzf-lua remains one of my favorite Neovim plugin. That being said, it is also one of the most astonishing GitHub project where the author is so active that all issues are resolved in due time while he is also providing useful tips all time. Last find is how live grep could potentially handle current word (C-r C-w doesn’t work when using Fzf terminal). #vim
2024-06-27: I finally got ride of most of the (Neo)vim packages I was only using on an occasional basis, which led me to the following setup: (I barely use Rust, but I happen to read some Rust code from time to time.)

» tree -L 3 pack
└── plugins
    ├── opt
    │   ├── haskell-tools.nvim
    │   ├── molten-nvim
    │   └── rustaceanvim
    └── start
        ├── fzf-lua
        ├── nvim-treesitter
        ├── nvim-treesitter-textobjects
        └── vimtex

Also, I deleted my custom colorscheme, even if I was just using zenbones for the past few months, and I switched to the builtin quiet colorscheme, which is great (pending some minor changes which I implemented in an autocommand). Good-bye orgmode as well, especially since I don’t use the agenda and capture stuff. #vim
2024-06-27: ♪ Northside · Tour de World

See Also

» Micro posting in April » Micro posting in March » Micro posting in January » Micro posting in December » Micro posting in November