Here is the monthly newsletter from the Micro blog.
2019-08-01: Banks, III.
2019-08-01: Tindersticks, The Hungry Saw.> Ah, those nights, those nights they tiptoed by,> they crackle under our pillows> and they’re here.
2019-08-01: About to finish Season 3 of Morden i Sandhamn. Looking forward to watching the next Seasons, of course.
2019-08-01: Be sure to check if you like minimalist digital art, mostly black and white, lines and stripes and the like. Reminds me of the great Vera Molnar.
2019-08-01: Give me some more color, please.
2019-08-01: Want to approximate a factorial using Stirling formula? Here is a nice trick: How is Gosper’s approximation to factorial derived?.
2019-08-01: A philosophical difference between Haskell and Lisp. #lisp
2019-08-01: Common Lisp implementation of (grid restrained) Nelder-Mead. #lisp
2019-08-01: Programming Algorithms: A Crash Course in Lisp. #lisp
2019-08-02: Kate Bush, The Red Shoes.
2019-08-02: This guy… and the beauty of TEX: A computational proof of Huang’s degree theorem (PDF, 1 p.). See also this related post.
2019-08-02: (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)), by Peter Norvig. #lisp
2019-08-02: Big O Notation: Using not-boring math to measure code’s efficiency.
2019-08-02: Evolving Lindenmayer systems.
2019-08-04: Beautiful street drawing:
2019-08-04: Hopefully, I have a lot to read in my RSS queue for today!
2019-08-04: Build Your Own Text Editor, in C. And if you’re more versed into Rust or Racket, you are welcome too: In both cases, it is called remacs.
2019-08-04: Gerbil Scheme, a meta-dialect of Scheme with post-modern features. No idea what to do with another Scheme implementation, but the website looks gorgeous. #scheme
2019-08-04: Killing a process and all of its descendants. There’re some subtleties to learn regarding nohup
and exec
and how UNIX systems handle sessions and processes.
2019-08-04: Not everything is an expression, and a way to implement pattern matching in CL. #lisp
2019-08-04: Writing a Scheme to x86 compiler. The original paper written by Abdulaziz Ghuloum is available as a PDF. #scheme
2019-08-05: Little playlist feat. Joy Division.> Joy Division raised desolation to the level of high art, and they covered plenty of stylistic ground while doing so. They could be severe: “Warsaw” is punishing, three-chord punk, bitter and mean. They could be chilly: “Heart and Soul” dwells in an ice cavern of echo. And they could be desperate, as on “Something Must Break”–a harrowing glimpse into the darkness that would be the band’s undoing.
2019-08-05: A Stratification Approach to Partial Dependence for Codependent Variables: code and paper.
2019-08-05: TIL how to get proper ligatures with Iosevka font in Emacs when running in GUI mode (which we get for free in iTerm for basic ligatures, like <-
). See the instructions at the end of this issue. #emacs
2019-08-05: Want quick tips and tricks for using Git efficiently? Try!
2019-08-05: A Pragmatic Introduction to Signal Processing. (via HN)
2019-08-05: Efficient Leave-One-Out Brier Score for time-dependent evaluation of Bayesian Survival Models. #rstats
2019-08-05: Free Book: Foundations of Data Science (from Microsoft Research Lab). We’re definitely going from surprise to surprise with Microsoft in the last few months. At least they are moving in the right direction with Github, VS Code and their open-source projects.
2019-08-05: Information Theory for Intelligent People (PDF, 15 pp.). (via HN)
2019-08-05: Learning Parser Combinators With Rust. #rust
2019-08-05: Memory management in Python. #python
2019-08-05: Speed matters: Why working quickly is more important than it seems.> Eventually you’ll be both fast and good.That’s where the bat hurts, sometimes.
2019-08-05: indextree: Arena based tree structure with multithreading support. #rust
2019-08-06: Jan Lundgreen, Postdamer Platz.
2019-08-06: Another nice R4 article by Dirk Eddelbuettel on Debugging with Docker and Rocker. #rstats
2019-08-06: I didn’t read The Book of Why, but I heard of it a lot on Twitter lately. As you may know, I’m a big fan of Stephen Senn’s work, and I keep following his posts here and there even if I’m no longer being involved in medical statistics. Here is another nice dicussion of Lord’s paradox, where the author explains why neglecting random effects may affect the conclusions drawn from a study. If you’re interested in causal modeling of pre-post study, take a further look at this recent paper: Causal Graphical Views of Fixed Effects and Random Effects Models.
2019-08-06: TIL about “earmuffs” (I follow this convention but didn’t know it has a proper name!). #lisp
2019-08-06: If not SICP, then what? Maybe HTDP?.
2019-08-06: A simple personal publishing engine for the open web.
2019-08-06: Phabricator is a set of tools that help companies build better software, faster. May be a good alternative to self hosting a Git like platform?
2019-08-06: Pretext (formerly, Mathbook XML): An uncomplicated XML vocabulary for authors of research articles, textbooks, and monographs.
2019-08-06: Programming Algorithms: Data Structures. #lisp
2019-08-10: > Functional and scripting languages are more concise than procedural and object- oriented languages; C is hard to beat when it comes to raw speed on large inputs, but performance differences over inputs of moderate size are less pronounced and allow even interpreted languages to be competitive; compiled strongly-typed languages, where more defects can be caught at compile time, are less prone to runtime failures than interpreted or weakly-typed languages. — A Comparative Study of Programming Languages in Rosetta Code
2019-08-10: Already watched the first five Seasons of Morden i Sandhamn. I like this series a lot, and the format is definitely a plus (3x45’) for me.
2019-08-10: I love the design of Thomas Honeyman’s website. I yet have to find some more time to read (and grasp) his blog posts.
2019-08-10: Nice resource: Functional programming in Clojure. #clojure
2019-08-10: Should read: Inference of complex population histories using whole-genome sequences from multiple populations. #bioinformatics
2019-08-10: Basic Text Processing in Functional Style. #haskell
2019-08-10: Lisp Flavoured Erlang, or the best of both worlds for s-expr-based distributed systems?
2019-08-11: Magnus Öström, Parachute.
2019-08-11: Happy meal, from some days ago.
2019-08-11: Since common-lisp-stat has been very quite the last years or so, I was very happy to find Gary Hollis’s CL data analysis library. Lisp still has a bright future ahead. #lisp
2019-08-11: Some interesting resources on Scheme by Philip Bewig, who you may know if you happen to spend some time on Programming Praxis. There are also nice Awk scripts lurking around on his site. #scheme
2019-08-11: Tonight I’ll probably end up watching the last episode of Morden i Sandhamn (Season 7). I’m not sure what I’m going to put on the list of things to look at next, but I’ll try to find something as entertaining as Swedish or Danish TV shows.
2019-08-11: Ease of learning vs relearning, by John Cook. Nice points, as always. I have just some minor concerns with the last paragraphs where the author says that the tidyverse is great beacuse of its consistency. First, pending some minor annoyances with the naming convention of formal arguments in base R functions–and recommended packages–, which I always called R’s language idiosyncrasies, I do not find base R that much inconsistent. Second, I disagree with the idea that the tidyverse comes with that much conceptual integrity, for what I used to see. Most importantly, there are so many dedicated functions in, e.g., dplyr
, that it goes against the principle of compositionality that we use to like in functional and scripting languages. Finally, what used to be available in a short number of packages, but especially base
, is now scattered throughout several packages (forcats
, glue
, etc.), so that I have a hard time believing that newcomers could find their way as easily as they would with base R only. Anyway, that’s my 2¢, and it is nowhere a critic of Hadley Wickham’s account to the R ecosystem. #rstats
2019-08-12: Jane’s Addiction, Jane’s Addiction (Live).
2019-08-12: Compared to when I first restarted this site using Hugo, the number of static files has quite significantly increased:| EN+——————+——+Pages | 1548Paginator pages | 190Non-page files | 0Static files | 689Processed images | 0Aliases | 38Sitemaps | 1Cleaned | 0
2019-08-12: Hot off the kitchen (yesterady’s evening and today’s lunch):
prompt, but each time I find myself too lazy, as always. #haskell
variable, I knew I will probably not look back.#python
anymore, just use #lang sicp
. #racket
as well. #rust
module is really a must-have. #python
Here is a more detailed version of the above: Function vs Object.Objects are data with functions. Closures are functions with data.
— Computer Science (@CompSciFact) August 27, 2019
and start from scratch again, I got a working install in a few minutes. Beware that the process of downloading and configuring all packages is quite long. You will also likely need to update your autoloads, e.g., doom refresh -f
. Also, if you have a problem rebuilding the pdf-tools viewer, eval this before running pdf-tools-install
: (setenv "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.2.1/lib/pkgconfig")
. #emacs