Ragnar Groot Koerkamp is posting interesting and detailed overview of common algorithms in bioinformatics, specifically minimizers and pairwise alignments, as well as Rust benchmarks, e.g. on the one billion row Challenge.1
Sliding window technique from a functional point of view, by Brent Yorgey.
A Tetris implementation in PostScript, because why not.
Lisp is not a realization of the Lambda Calculus. I came across this blog post after reading Lambda Calculus and Lisp, part 1. A good overview of lambda’s from an historical perspective as far as I can tell. Other stuff read almost at the same time: Lisp without cons cells.
Do You Really Want to be Doing This When You’re 50?. Even if I know the weblog is dead now, I can’t help coming back to it from time to time, or when it pops up on Hacker News.
These years in Common Lisp: 2023-2024 in review: the annual review by Vincent Vindarel.
A year of uv: pros, cons, and should you migrate: I’m a very happy user too, it helps installing and managing with virtual environments and pip recent versions of Python on quite old systems (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04). See “A good Python project manager, therefore, should have the following properties”, points 2, 3 and 4.
Simulate a Derived Distribution: I came across this page while looking for builtin way to simulate random draws from a mixture of heavy-tailed Gaussian distribution in Mathematica. The term “derived” sounds great, but confusing. Just a sidenote.
Visualizing all books of the world in ISBN-Space. Lot of interesting technical stuff going on.
The Tensor Cookbook: Not as much visual pictures I’d expected and strange notation (but congrats for the TikZ or whatever technique used in the PDF handout).
♪ Memory Cassette • Last One Awake
See also Bogdan Popa’s take in Racket. ↩︎