I very much like vimtex, even if I’m not writing as much TEX stuff as I used to do in the past. It works very well with standard Latex documents that I still have on my HD. I get live compiling and forward/reverse search with the Zathura PDF viewer for free, and I can also toggle a pretty TOC along the way. I no longer use Context (maybe I should) but I know it is supposed to work similarly. As I said in a previous post, luatex is great for it allows us to write “plain TEX” (for whatever definition of plain we agree on) using custom fonts and forget about accented letters for non-US writers. Since this last post, I haven’t write a single line of TEX. However, since I was digging into my Neovim config for TEX stuff, I wanted to know how Vimtex handles the plaintex
And so, it all started with me trying to replicate the toy example mentioned above. It failed early. Okay, let’s forget I missed to add a final \bye
statement. Moving on, I soon realized that vimtex is way more friendly with Latex than plain old tex. Since I already have my own $HOME/.latexmkrc
, I never bothered checking how vimtex proceeds in this case. It looks like it has its own setting for running latexmk. Fair enough, but I couldn’t find my way to tell it to use an option like -pdlatex=luatex
. Hence I tried to use a different compiler, namely arara. It allows to define the compiler and its options directly in the tex file, which is fine since I would like to avoid adding .latexmkrc
or .nvimrc
local config files to a simple project like this one. I also needed to define a Tex root
directive to please vimtex, otherwise it complains with a “failed mainfile detection” – again because it primarily targets Latex documents.
So far, I have the following in my after/ftplugin/plaintex.vim
setlocal autoindent expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
set spelllang=en_gb
let g:vimtex_format_enabled = 0
let g:vimtex_compiler_method = "arara"
nmap <buffer> gs :VimtexReload<cr> \| :VimtexCompile<cr>
nmap <buffer> g= :%!fmt -w80<cr>
nmap <buffer> <silent> go :VimtexTocToggle<cr>
nmap <buffer> <silent> gO :lua require("fzf-lua").btags()<cr>
nmap <buffer> <leader># :-1 read ~/.config/nvim/templates/plaintex<cr>
I encountered some problem when trying to refomat using Vim’s gq
but gw
works fine, so that may just be a conflict somewhere in my config. Note that I overwrite global settings for vimtex, but I assume that I may rarely have to switch from plain TEX to LATEX during the same writing session. Finally, I don’t really why I need to reload vimtex in order to apply the compilation directive that are defined in the header, but since I may forget about this later I chose to reload systematically before recompiling. Here’s the template I defined for my TEX documents:
% vim: set ft=plaintex:
% arara: luatex: {synctex: yes}
%! TeX root = test.tex
\input luaotfload.sty
\font\tenrm="Alegreya" at 10pt
\parindent 0pt
I will probably update the above template when I will really write something more elaborated than a toy example.
♪ Claire Welles • Waiting In The Sun