Entries tagged - "vim"

  1. Writing plain TeX using vimtex 2024-07-24
  2. Neovim 0.10 2024-07-03
  3. Scheming in Vim (con't) 2024-06-17
  4. Scheme, language server & Co. 2024-06-03
  5. Trying out cl-lsp 2023-11-08
  6. Neovim and LSP made easy 2023-10-27
  7. A minimalistic Lua-based Neovim config 2023-10-23
  8. More useful Vim tips 2023-10-18
  9. Neovim revamp 2023-10-12
  10. Using fzf-lua 2023-04-23
  11. Zero-plugin linting and fixing in Neovim 2022-10-10
  12. Speeding up Neovim 2022-10-05
  13. Unified colors of TUIs 2022-09-28
  14. Debugging in Vim 2022-09-15
  15. Haskell and Vim 2022-09-11
  16. On wrapping and reflowing text 2022-09-01
  17. Scheming with Vim 2022-07-27
  18. Wolfram Language Server 2022-05-24
  19. Common Lisp Hyperspec in Vim 2022-05-17
  20. Neovim colorscheme switching and Tmux 2022-05-13
  21. On choosing your colorscheme 2022-04-19
  22. Tinkering my Neovim setup 2022-04-14
  23. Some handy shortcuts for Vim 2022-03-23
  24. Vim and clangd 2022-03-08
  25. Jupyter kernels in Neovim 2022-02-22
  26. No more VS Code 2022-02-03
  27. Texing in Vim 2022-01-26
  28. Org in Vim 2022-01-06
  29. Neovim wrap up (6/n) 2021-09-21
  30. Vim on steroid (5/n) 2021-07-30
  31. Neovim useful plugins (4/n) 2021-07-29
  32. Neovim and LSP (3/n) 2021-07-27
  33. Custom Vim shortcuts (2/n) 2021-07-25
  34. Let's go modern with Neovim (1/n) 2021-07-22
  35. Neovim and Lua 2021-05-19
  36. Reading list on Lisp & Co. 2021-05-10
  37. Vim and LSP 2021-05-09
  38. Random musings with VS Code 2021-05-07
  39. Vim and neoterm 2021-03-31
  40. Practical and Modern Vim 2021-01-29
  41. Little shell scripts are amazing 2021-01-25
  42. One Week With Ubuntu 2020-12-20
  43. Using LSP from Neovim 2020-09-11