Over the past two years where I’ve been using Neovim exclusively, I settled upon a few keybindings that I found on the internet and that I came to appreciate. I should note that I am now using Telescope instead of vim-fzf, and so many mappings are provided by this Neovim plugin:
in insert mode, this is used to correct the last typo (using the first suggestion) while in normal mode it allows to replace the word under the cursor.1<C-p>
to navigate files (Telescope find_files
calls a little function to close or open the quickfix (if there’re some items to show).<leader>g
and <leader>G
to quickly check git status (for the whole directory or the current buffer).<C-f>
as a shortcut for Telescope live_grep
; using the Ivy theme and a 20% window at the bottom, it really shines. See the screenshot at the end of the post.<C-x>
is actually a shortcut for "_dP
, and it is pretty cool since it allows to visually select a region and paste it over and over again on visual blocks selected afterwards.<C-h>
, <C-j>
, <C-k>
and <C-l>
to increase/decrease split width or height (e.g., <C-h>
stands for :vertical resize -4<CR>
and <C-Right>
to navigate between tabs, since I can use w/b and W/B for horizontal word-wise motion. I also use <localleader><tab>
to create new tabs.<leader><leader>
to switch between opened buffers (Telescope buffers
). Note that <C-b>
would be better, but it’s already the primary key for Tmux and I became used to the space-space combo after 3 years of Doom Emacs.<leader>e
which is basically :e <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR>
; I used it most of the day, since it allows to quickly open a file in the current working directory, with tab completion.<leader>r
as a shortcut for Telescope oldfiles
and <leader>!
to open a terminal in a new tab or in a split, respectively.<localleader>s
or <localleader>S
to sort a region in lexicographic order (increasing or decreasing).2<localleader>"
for NeogenSee also this related post: Custom Vim shortcuts (2/n).
In addition to the above, I also have handy shortcuts for Magma, vim-surround
-like stuff,3 etc.
Finally, I don’t really like or need snippet engines, so I just defined some handy abbreviations, like this:
iabbrev +w []()
iabbrev +@ chl@aliquote.org
iabbrev +% --8<--------<CR>-------->8--<Up>
iabbrev +' ``
iabbrev +" ```<CR><CR>```<Esc>2k
iabbrev +:: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
iabbrev +:( ಠ_ಠ
iabbrev +:) ಠ‿ಠ
♪ Charlie Haden • Conception
(Credit: Gilles Castel, see also Francis Tseng or SO), and :let @s='\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>'<CR>:%s/<C-r>s//<Left>
and sy:%s/<C-r>s//<Left>
(Credit: bluz71) ↩︎
vip:sort u<CR>
in visual mode and :sort u<CR>
in normal mode (Credit: strager) ↩︎
E.g., vnoremap _( :call text#surround('(', ')')<CR>