Entries tagged - "racket"

  1. Data frames for Racket 2023-07-10
  2. Parsing CSV files in Racket 2023-04-21
  3. Solving OLS problem using SVD 2023-04-07
  4. Computing eigenvalues using QR decomposition 2022-12-28
  5. Palindromic numbers in Mathematica 2022-07-07
  6. Computing the inverse CDF of a Gaussian 2022-06-08
  7. Random sampling by the inverse CDF transformation 2022-05-26
  8. Student's t distribution 2021-11-19
  9. Prime palindromes 2021-11-16
  10. Hex color dimming 2021-05-02
  11. Gaussian elimination 2020-03-24
  12. Hex and Base64 2020-02-27
  13. Digit sum and factorial 2020-01-10
  14. Finding the majority element in a list 2020-01-09
  15. Armstrong numbers 2019-12-24
  16. On memoization 2019-12-21
  17. Racket FFI and C 2019-12-17
  18. Perfect and amicable numbers 2019-09-12
  19. Newton-Raphson algorithm in Racket 2019-08-08
  20. Decimal numbers 2019-08-06
  21. From Polya to Euler problem 2019-07-12
  22. Digit Sum 2019-07-08
  23. Euler Problems 1-10 2019-07-04
  24. On premature optimization 2019-06-29
  25. Scheme and Emacs 2014-04-18